hello, my problem is this:
When trying to update the CPC for a search on the jumps I'm betting
the following error:
Fault: 1
Code: soapenv:Server.generalException
String: An internal error has occurred. Please retry your
My code is as follows:
Hello everyone, my question is this.
I store a report in an array, so that my application can process the
data that the report contain?
My program is written in PHP.
Tanks!! & Sorry about my English.
Have you migrated to v200909 yet?
The v13
Hi all, in the new version of the AdWords API, how do I get the auth
I make the call is:
$namespace = 'https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/cm/v200906';
# Define SOAP
$auth = new AuthToken($email, $password, $account_type, $service);
$headers =
'' .
'' . $auth->get_auth_token() . ''
sorry, I've found.
the problem is that I do not get the auth token,
How do I get the auth token?
On 26 mar, 11:07, molaMolar wrote:
> Hi all, in the new version of the AdWords API, how do I get the auth
> token?.
> I make the call is:
> $namespace = 'https://adwords.
> Best,
> - Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team
> On Mar 26, 7:29 am,molaMolar wrote:
> > sorry, I've found.
> > the problem is that I do not get the auth token,
> > How do I get
> Best,
> - Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team
> On Mar 26, 7:29 am,molaMolar wrote:
> > sorry, I've found.
> > the problem is that I do not get the auth token,
> > How do I get
Hello everyone my problem is that after executing the following code
returns an object google me empty, can someone tell me why?
my script is:
//$namespace = 'https://adwords-sandbox.google.com/api/adwords/cm/
# Define SOAP
$auth = n
e the request ID of this request? Can you confirm that
> there are active, biddable criteria in your account?
> Best,
> - Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team
> On Apr 8, 10:33 am, molaMolar wrote:
> > Hello everyone my problem is that after executing the followin