ok , but if i need these conversion types per automatic-placement , how
can i do it ?
On Friday, February 24, 2012 4:09:45 AM UTC+2, Eric Koleda wrote:
> Hi,
> It is true that you can't use conversion segmentation fields with click or
> impression fields in the same report. This informati
Hey ,
Is it possible to get Campign in status "deleted" in AD_PERFORMANCE_REPORT
with the following fields included :
"Id", "AdGroupId", "AdGroupName", "AdGroupStatus", "CampaignId",
If it's possible , when it will be occurred ?
( Cause now I'm gettin
I would like to know how can i be informed on mobile ad if the ad has been
marked as "Mobile" in Adwords UI ( see image attached ) , in ad performance
report .
although the following links says this type is available in "Ad Type" field
, i'm getting "Text Ad" instead of " Mobile Ad".
and i'v got zero results.
Please advise ,
On Friday, January 18, 2013 2:00:07 PM UTC+2, John Lister wrote:
> Yes, add a predicate of status in
In the new Adwords API V201302 reports - Ad performance report i'm able to
select "device preferred" field,
but i'm getting an empty data ("--") in all fields values.
I would like to know if its a bug or whether it is in
your development road map.
Thanks in advance ,
Hey ,
In v13 i was able to retrieve signup and leads conversion Per Ad , how
can i do it in version 201101 ?
i know that i can retrieve conversion fields such as
Conv. rate (1-per-click)
Conv. rate (many-per-click)
Conv. (1-per-click)
Conv. (many-per-click)
Total conv. value
but this is not what
the following code will fillter your results without zero impressions
- just remove it from your code
(c# )
if (!this.includeZeroImpression)
// Create a filter Impressions > 0
Predicate predicate = new Predicate();
Hey ,
I have found a way to retrieve the Purchase and Signup per AD,
but why i cannot retrieve this data with the following fields : cost ,
imps , ctr and etc' ?
the mining of this change is that in need to create the same report -
Ad performance Twice.
one without "ConversionCategoryName" field
-David Torres - AdWords API Team
> On Jun 16, 10:30 am, ShayBarChen wrote:
> > Hey ,
> > In v13 i was able to retrieve signup and leads conversion Per Ad , how
> > can i do it in version 201101 ?
> > i know that i can retriev
Is there any way to retrieve *AUTOMATIC PLACEMENTS PERFORMANCE* with
conversion fields ?
i have tried to retrieve the same report ( AUTOMATIC PLACEMENTS
PERFORMANCE ) one only with conversion type field and the other with clicks
cost and etc'..
but there is no way to combine these two report
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