Is it possible to return only non-deleted ad groups from a campaign?
Of course I could iterate through the results and consider only the
non-deleted by checking the status attribute, but I would like to
avoid the cost of returning deleted items.
I don't see an option in the AdGroupSelector w
I'm having the same problem. Setting up the DefinedReportJob according
to the documentation but no data is returned.
I would appreciate confirmation if this is a bug or any help working
around the issue.
Thanks in advance and regards,
You received this message because you are subscribe
Everyday we make about 45000 keyword (bid) changes through the API, in
batches of aproximetly 256 at a time.
Rigorously, some of these calls fail with error 502 - Bad Gateway.
I have a few questions about how to recover and proceed from this
- Should I retry immediately after I get
Hello, sometimes we receive policy error when there is no obvious
reason for such.
Upon further analysis we identify the reason as being the usage of
certain numbers on the ad text.
This effectively means that you will not be able to use a price (e.g.
£206.50) which part of it is the model number
Hi Eric, many thanks for your reply.
An instance of the problem could be reproduced by the following
request id: "867c6a6b4d06f8fbbf39f2972ed738db"
Your suggestion of using the validateOnly was very helpful. We
overlooked it as a possiblity and it will come in handy on identifying
the rejected ad
I'm using the following code to try to define a report:
ReportDefinition l_Report = new ReportDefinition();
l_Report.reportName = "My Landing Page report";
l_Report.reportType =
Just to be clear, I'm using:
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Hi Ken,
I don't think what you ask specifically is currently implemented, but
my suggestion is that you request your developer to program using the
sandbox API, until the routine is full tested. The sandbox does make
actual changes to your campaign and does not require a developer
token. Your deve