Hi Guys,
I've been using Adwords API for around a year or so, on a mini project
using xampp & with each new release, I've managed to get it working using
the old auth.ini file.
So I've downloaded the latest Google Adwords API using composer & installed
it to our classes directory
- */site
HI Guys
I've been using the Adwords API for around a year or so, I always used the
auth.ini file on each api update we managed to get it working
but recently we upgraded to the latest API, using composer to install to
our classes folder *C:\xampp\htdocs\main-application\classes\*
to which we hav
Hi Dhanya
many thanks for the reply...
I've ran the example code but this throws the error
*Could not locate home directory.*
I'm currently running the the api via a windows xampp install (where I've
been running it previously for over a year)
so unsure as what to try next?
I just wanted to add that I've tried the EnviromentTest on my remote Apache
shared server & this also throws the exception
*could not located home directory*
I know running the class file, is looking for variations of the home
- getenv('HOME')
- getenv('HOMEDRIVE')
- geten