I'm using the latest Google Ads API v.07.
In the CustomerService I'm missing the getServiceLinks() and
mutateServiceLinks() methods.
Are they planned in a future release or are they already available under a
different method?
/label/adwords_api> for
> any updates on this feature.
> Thanks and regards,
> Luis
> Google Ads API Team
> On Friday, December 21, 2018 at 7:30:36 AM UTC+8, Marc Selman wrote:
>> I'm using the latest Google Ads API v.07.
>> In the Custom
There was a question in this forum earlier about the Adwords API returning
accounts: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/adwords-api/NC5vIw0_Shs
I'm using the new Ads API (v0.7) and when retieving CustomerClientLinks I'm
also receiving cancelled accounts.
There is no way to identi
I'm trying to retrieve a complete nested tree of all customers (and if it's
a manager account, the customers below that etc.)
To do this I'm using the new Google Ads API (v0.7) to retrieve the
CustomerClientLinks recursively and for every link I'm using GetCustomer to
retrieve the customer infor
After finishing the OAuth flow I perform a test call and when I get the
NOT_ADS_USER error I show an error to the user that it's not a valid Google
Ads account and don't store the OAuth tokens.
Op donderdag 3 januari 2019 05:46:43 UTC+1 schreef Yoshimasa Tanabe:
> Hi Milind,
> I want to know
e way to identify them via the
> API as mentioned on that thread
> <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/adwords-api/NC5vIw0_Shs>. Also,
> you could keep an eye on our blog for information related to future
> releases and latest versions.
> Regards,
> Sai Teja,
e, customer_client.client_customer,
> customer_client.level, customer_client.hidden FROM customer_client")
> Hope this helps you, please let me know if you have any further questions.
> Regards,
> Sai Teja, Google Ads API Team
> On Thursday, January 3, 2019 at 6:34:1
> --data '{query: "SELECT customer.id, customer.descriptive_name,
> customer_client.resource_name, customer_client.client_customer,
> customer_client.level, customer_client.hidden FROM customer_client"}'
> Regards,
> S
Could you please disable the request account link email for our manager
account: EasyAds Google Ads (687-900-7142).
We process all the account linking through the API so the customer does not
need to receive the request email.
Thank you.
Hi Sai,
The account linking invitation email can be disabled.
We've been to the API event in London and the developers explained this to
us themselves.
The confirmation email cannot be disabled, but the invitation email can.
Best regards,
Marc Selman
Op dinsdag 26 maart 2019 21:26:34
In the Google Ads UI, when I go to Tools -> Account access -> Managers, I
can see a list of all the manager accounts who have access to the selected
Ads account.
I can see the descriptive name, the id and the date the accounts were
Can this information also be retrieved using the A
can also
store if the customer is a manager or a test account)
6) Back to step 3 for the current customer
So the part from step 3 will be a recursive function.
I hope this helps.
Best regards,
Marc Selman
Op maandag 1 april 2019 12:53:11 UTC+2 schreef Charles Bannister:
> Hi,
I am trying to retrieve a list of customers for a specific google account
but the request throws an exception.
{ "errors": [ { "errorCode": { "authenticationError":
"AUTHENTICATION_ERROR" }, "message": "Authentication of the request
failed." } ] }
Is it possible to link a customer account to a manager account and set the
manager account as administrative owner using the Google Ads API?
By default the manager account will not have administrative owner rights,
but some of our customers would like this so our support team can perform
some te
Hi Sai,
Yes, we already do this but I was talking about the "Administrative owner"
setting which can be found under "Tools -> Account access -> Managers".
Our manager account is linked there so we can perform campaign operations.
But some of our customers want us to help them with setting up Ana
Hi Anthony,
The customer has finished setting up his account but now I still receive an
{ "errors": [ { "errorCode": { "authorizationError": "CUSTOMER_NOT_ENABLED"
}, "message": "The customer can't be used because it isn't enabled." } ] }
What does "the customer is not enabled" mean?
Hi Sai,
I am trying to retrieve a list of accessible customers of a Google account.
In the documentation
Listing accessible customers is one of the few requests in the Google Ads
> API that does no
Hi Sai,
The problem is that I am getting the error on the
ListAccessibleCustomers API call. So I'm not getting any results, just the
Op vrijdag 17 mei 2019 19:40:35 UTC+2 schreef adsapiforumadvisor:
> Hello Marc,
> I see that the user has access to 3 accounts, out of which 2 are stil
d not tell on when
> this feature will be available in Google Ads API. However, you may follow
> our blog <https://ads-developers.googleblog.com/search/label/adwords_api> for
> any updates on this feature.
> Thanks and regards,
> Luis
> Google Ads API Team
I missed that there's a separate service for it.
I'm getting an internal server error though:
GoogleAds.DetailedRequestLogs Information: 1 : [2019-06-05 14:30:50Z] -
Method Name:
Hi Anash,
Have you heard anything about this issue yet?
Op donderdag 6 juni 2019 22:38:40 UTC+2 schreef adsapiforumadvisor:
> Hi Marc,
> I tried looking up the logs, but it doesn't show any errors. I wonder if
> the server is not logging some of the error traces. I'll ask the t
our server suddenly blocked or something?
Best regards,
Marc Selman
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