2009-10-26 Thread Ivo.bathke
hi there, i use the AdWords API PHP Client Library and try to get a campaign list like in the examples but i get that error: AuthenticationError.CLIENT_CUSTOMER_ID_IS_REQUIRED with v13 the client worked the php code is like in the examples any help appreciated here is the log: [Oct 26 2009 13


2009-10-26 Thread Ivo.bathke
h the version of PHP you are > using. > > Best, > - Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team > > On Oct 26, 8:55 am, "Ivo.bathke" wrote: > > > > > hi there, > > i use the AdWords API PHP Client Library and

AdWords API Data files used by the client library.

2009-10-27 Thread Ivo.bathke
hello one question on the data dir in the PHP Client Library: where are these files (*.csv) used? i couldnt find any occurrences. i ask because id like to strip the lib down to just the necessary parts (prob. just the src dir) before i deploy to production. thanks in advance ivo --~--~-

AdWords API GoogleApiAdsAdWordsPHP v200909 CampaignTargetService

2009-10-29 Thread Ivo.bathke
hi again could you provide an example how to set CampaignTargetService and CampaignCriterionService for a given campaign? i looked at the code in src\Google\Api\Ads\AdWords\v200909\cm \CampaignTargetService.php but found it quite different to that from CampaignService.php and im not sure how to c


2010-03-02 Thread Ivo.bathke
hi just to let you know: in the docs it says: Note: to REMOVE use SET and mark status to DELETE. see: but it should state: DELETED that is misleading, isnt it? On 19 Feb., 22:00, AdWords API Advisor wrote

AdWords API Re: is sandbox (for v200909) up?

2010-03-11 Thread Ivo.bathke
hi all same problem here! ?? cheers On 11 Mrz., 01:46, rofelpcrush wrote: > Hi vlad, > > I'm experiencing the same problems since around 10AM PST today. Also > got this error message when trying to add a new AdGroup: > > - > envelope/"> > - > - https://adwords.go

AdWords API Re: is sandbox (for v200906) up?

2010-03-11 Thread Ivo.bathke
ah ok thanx for the info i am using the AdWords API PHP Client Library shouldnt this lib handle the changes? is there an update about to come? sorry, its just to avoid double work for me. On 11 Mrz., 15:17, AdWords API Advisor wrote: > Hi All, > > These new Unmarshalling errors are due to a ch

AdWords API Re: Enhanced XML validation enabled in the sandbox

2010-03-11 Thread Ivo.bathke
hi will the google-api-adwords-php react on those changes? or do i have to change the calls? cheers ivo On 11 Mrz., 15:13, AdWords API Advisor wrote: > Hi All, > > Yesterday we enabled an enhanced form of XML validation on the AdWords > API sandbox that returns more detailed error messages for

AdWords API Re: is sandbox (for v200906) up?

2010-03-11 Thread Ivo.bathke
sure? i have the trunk: as an externals included in my project and did an update but i still get the error: Cannot resolve 'get' to a type definition for element 'ns1:get'. cheers On 11 Mrz., 17:13, AdWords API Advisor wrote: > Hi, > > The m

AdWords API Rates best/cheapest method

2010-03-19 Thread Ivo.bathke
hi i just discovered the AdParamServices, wow! now im wondering what would be best / cheapest practice for keeping ones ads in sync with daily price and stock updates. and im little bit confused by the rate-sheet by now. my first way would have been to update (mutate->set) our ads when changed vi

Re: Policy Errors on Keywords in Sandbox

2010-05-04 Thread Ivo.bathke
hi all i just got an PolicyViolationError for a criterion in the sandbox while trying to use 'Toshiba' as a keyword. seems to work thus. are this -live- policy errors? and is there a list or an api for what words are under policy violation, so i could block or replace them in advance. cheers iv