We have the exact same issue. Happened about 11 am CST. We had to reset
our password to get into the MCC acount. We have had it for a few years,
but prop have not logged into it directly in quite awhile.
Resubmited and its in pending approval also.
Did anybody else have to reset their password to get into their MMC account
when this happened.
On a good note, our internal stats show an excellent ROI without costs
loading :)
Also find us on our blog and discussion group:
We have a client account and a main MCC account. We use the MCC account
and token purely for our internal stats, for our own webpage.
We have had the accounts for about 5 years! That is how long our token was
working fine. To give you an idea, over that time we have used about
230,000 cre
Our Customer ID: 158-007-9443
We believe we were caught in an accidental disabling of our token, and have
reapplied for it. Its was valid for years. Can this be sped up some, it
would be a disaster to be down for weeks like some people were saying an
approval can take.
I would really app
I just emailed to it a few minutes ago, and posted the forum comment
about why this occurred. I explained the same thing, we are a company that
has been using the token for years, we don't have clients, we are simply
pulling keywords costs about once an hour, for our internal stats.