Problems with OAUTH2 with scope ADWORDS

2017-02-08 Thread Francesco Protano
Hello i need to use OAUTH2 authentication with ADWORDS api I red step by step the google developper guide but i aspected to found the scope for ADWORD API but not is present. I tried specifyng this scope but i receive this message InvalidScopeException i

Re: How get CustomerId with OAuth 2.0

2017-02-10 Thread Francesco Protano
Hi nadine i guess you are .net expert programmer but i think u are able to explain where i wrong. My goals is to pick all the accounts of a user who have and manage in his an adwords account . I followed all steps suggested from the google guide. After the i taken the access token of the logged

Re: How get CustomerId with OAuth 2.0

2017-02-10 Thread Francesco Protano
Hi nadine i guess you are .net expert programmer but i think u are able to explain where i wrong. My goals is to pick all the accounts of a user who have and manage in his an adwords account . I followed all steps suggested from the google guide. After the i taken the access token of the logged

Re: How get CustomerId with OAuth 2.0

2017-02-10 Thread Francesco Protano
Hello the u suggested it s for .net my code is for php but it s not important, i think it will an similar solution to capture the soap messages. U seems an expert adwords advice , so, can u send to me an example to archieve my workflow? But first is it possible ? Thk for the reply -- -- =~=~