I want to check the balance of the advertising account. Which resource should I inquire about?

2023-07-17 Thread static bin
Dear Team I want to check the balance of the advertising account. Which resource should I inquire about? Can you help me? -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog: https://googleadsdeveloper.blogspot.com/ =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Y

RE: api error for destination not working. how to resolve?

2023-07-17 Thread 'Google Ads API Forum Advisor' via Google Ads API and AdWords API Forum
Hi Oskar, Thank you for reaching out to the Google Ads API Support Team. Upon checking, a POLICY_FINDING error indicates that the ad you created has triggered policy violations. You may refer to this guide

Google ads api

2023-07-17 Thread maxcode ITSolutions
What does it mean by device=4 or device=3 I am using this query "SELECT segments.date,segments.device,metrics.cost_micros,metrics.clicks,metrics.impressions FROM campaign WHERE segments.date BETWEEN '2022-07-17' AND '2023-07-17'" and response is like [ { segments: { date: '2022-09-28', d

RE: my application for standard permissions api permission has not been answered for more than 3 weeks.

2023-07-17 Thread 'Google Ads API Forum Advisor' via Google Ads API and AdWords API Forum
Hi, Thanks for reaching out to Google Ads API Forum. Please note that with regards to concerns related to the granting and approval process of these tokens are already outside of the scope of the Google Ads API support team as our team specializes in Google Ads API-related concerns and technic

RE: google ads api

2023-07-17 Thread 'Google Ads API Forum Advisor' via Google Ads API and AdWords API Forum
Hi, Thank you for reaching out to Google Ads API Forum. Please note segments.device has a data type of ENUM. Can you confirm if this number value is returned in the API response while using the client library? If yes, you may check on this device.proto guide describing the devices. As per the

Hour wise ad cost for item query

2023-07-17 Thread Vipul G
Hello I am expecting hour wise ad cost for items. currently I have created below query: *SELECT segments.product_item_id, segments.date FROM shopping_performance_view WHERE segments.date = '2023-01-05' AND segments.hour = 2*I am getting error like this,* 'segments.hour' is not

RE: i want to check the balance of the advertising account. which resource should i inquire about?

2023-07-17 Thread 'Google Ads API Forum Advisor' via Google Ads API and AdWords API Forum
Hello, Thanks for reaching out to the Google Ads API Team. Can you please confirm if you are using or having concerns related to the Google Ads API? If yes, please provide us more details or full context regarding your concern about the Google Ads API or elaborate more on how we can help? Goo

Upload Images in Ad Group

2023-07-17 Thread Tirth Barochia
Hello, I have Ad group id and I have images as assets but I try so much but I am not able to find how can I add my PNG images to ad group using ads API in python. Can you give me demo of it. -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog: https://googleadsdeve

Re: google ads api

2023-07-17 Thread maxcode ITSolutions
Thank you for your response. Its really helpful. On Mon, Jul 17, 2023 at 4:38 PM Google Ads API Forum Advisor wrote: > Hi, > > Thank you for reaching out to Google Ads API Forum. > > Please note *segments.device* >

RE: hour wise ad cost for item query

2023-07-17 Thread 'Google Ads API Forum Advisor' via Google Ads API and AdWords API Forum
Hi Vipul, Thank you for reaching out to us. Upon checking, I could confirm that 'segments.hour' is not a valid field in the WHERE clause when 'shopping_performance_view' is the resource in the FROM clause. To prevent this kind of error, You can use the exact shopping_performance_view builder

Re: AccessRole is not same with roles in google ads backend?

2023-07-17 Thread AFKIR Lahcen
hi according to this doc, billing role is available in UI. But there is no Billing access role in the api documentation? is it possible to set Billing access role via api? Le mercredi 22 décembre 2021 à 17:43:10 UTC+1, Google Ads API Forum Advisor a écrit : > Hi Daniel, > > My team is curren

create Billing access role via api

2023-07-17 Thread AFKIR Lahcen
hi according to this doc, billing role is available in UI. But there is no Billing access role in the api documentation? is it possible to set Billing access role via api? -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog: https://googleadsdeveloper.blogspot.com

RE: change history using google ads api

2023-07-17 Thread 'Google Ads API Forum Advisor' via Google Ads API and AdWords API Forum
Hi, Thank you for reaching out to Google Ads API Forum. With regards to your concern, in Google Ads API perspective, Change Event provides a detailed breakdown of what changed in your account. When reporting on a create operation, all new field values are returned; and when reporting on an upd

How can I get the reach for CampaignToForecast ?

2023-07-17 Thread Simone Bonaretti
Hi, I've already implemented the CampaignToForecast process but I need also the reach of the words that I'm using for the fortecasts. I've searched on API's documentasion and I found the ReachPlanService, the problem is when I try to get the plannable location list I get this error : { "message

RE: create billing access role via api

2023-07-17 Thread 'Google Ads API Forum Advisor' via Google Ads API and AdWords API Forum
Hi, Thanks for reaching out to the Google Ads API Team. I hope you are doing well today. ​With regard to your concern, the same topic was already raised in a separate email thread with the same subject titled “AccessRole is not same with roles in google ads backend?”. The API team has already

RE: how can i get the reach for campaigntoforecast ?

2023-07-17 Thread 'Google Ads API Forum Advisor' via Google Ads API and AdWords API Forum
Hi Simone, Thanks for reaching out to the Google Ads API Team. I hope you are doing well today. With regard to your concern, it appears that you've encountered the USER_PERMISSION_DENIED error which occurs when the authorized customer does not have access to the operating customer. This is an

Re: google basic api application

2023-07-17 Thread Sandy Yao
Dear Sir/Madam, Thank you for your prompt response. I have received the email from your team, which mentioned that several accounts under my management have been suspended due to fraud or abuse. However, I am uncertain about the specific reasons behind the account suspensions. I kindly reque

Código de criação de segmentos personalziados

2023-07-17 Thread Felipe
Ola, quero saber onde encontro a documentação para criar segmentações personalizadas via código[image: segments.png] Quero criar públicos via código de "Visitantes do site", "Usuários do Youtube" e Lista de Clientes" -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our b

Re: Image and Location Migration in Google Ads API

2023-07-17 Thread Kevin
Hi Bob, It's been a few days - any update on this? Thanks, Kevin On Wed, Jul 12, 2023 at 10:52 AM Google Ads API Forum Advisor wrote: > I've asked for the mapping and will replay here with an update when I > receive it. > > > This message is in relation to case "ref:_00D1U1174p._5004Q2j1cSB:re

Re: no response from ads api basic access application

2023-07-17 Thread Arnout Verhaar
Hi, I also tried requesting basic api access two times now, but didnt receive any notification or confirmation email about it. MCC ID: 163-448-7537 requester email: a.verha...@gmail.com and my api email address is api-se...@app-xprofit.com. Thank you! On Tuesday, 4 July 2023 at 19:19:47 UTC+2

Google Ads API PHP - How to disable an option "Automatically created assets" when creating campaign

2023-07-17 Thread Evaldas Gudavičius
Hi, I'm following this instruction to create a performance max campaign -> https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/samples/add-performance-max-campaign But I can't find how to Disable these settings when creating the campaign. - Automatically created assets - Text assets - Fin

My application for standard permissions API permission has not been answered for more than 3 weeks.

2023-07-17 Thread apps anny
Dear Team, My application for standard permissions API permission has not been answered for more than 3 weeks. Could you help me find out where the problem is? And this is my MCC: 722-461-4993 Pls help me check. Thanks. -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us

Re: upload images in ad group

2023-07-17 Thread Tirth Barochia
As you said I tried but it is not working so can you please provide me code of upload PNG images in specific ad group using Python. On Monday, 17 July 2023 at 21:59:31 UTC+5:30 Google Ads API Forum Advisor wrote: > Hi, > > Thank you for reaching out to Google Ads API Forum. > > You may need to