Get all accounts from Google Ads Test account

2019-10-19 Thread nazar pryymak
Hi, I want to get all account including child accounts: query = """ SELECT,, customer_client.descriptive_name FROM customer_client ​ """ ​ I am able to get all accounts only from real account. Is it not possible to get it from Google Ads test account .

Re: Google Manager account got closed and API Center disappeared, G support directed me here

2019-10-19 Thread John Felix
Thanks a lot! On Friday, October 18, 2019 at 11:38:49 PM UTC+3, adsapiforumadvisor wrote: > > Hi John, > > Thanks for reaching out. The API Center option is not available for the > test manager account in the Google Ads UI. Instead it exists in the > production manager account. Also the test man