2019-07-01 Thread QDQ Media
So, it means that you have to make the set up manually? El viernes, 28 de junio de 2019, 21:48:11 (UTC+2), adsapiforumadvisor escribió: > > Hi Team, > > Thank you for contacting support. The error "CUSTOMER_NOT_ENABLED" means > that the account is not yet ready. Your account could be in DRAFT st

RE: Can i update exclusion ip list in adwords API

2019-07-01 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod
Hi, In order to block IP addresses, you may use CampaignCriterionService.mutate() and set the criterion of NegativeCampaignCriterion object to IpBlock. You may refer to the Java code sample in this link (refer here for other supported languages of our client libraries). You may use SET operator

RE: About migrating from position to impression share bidding strategies

2019-07-01 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod
Hi Phu, Unfortunately, we don't have exact date of the sunset of the adding a TARGET_OUTRANK_SHARE or PAGE_ONE_PROMOTED bidding strategy in AdWords API. Please continue to follow our blog for announcements. Regards, Hiroyuki Google Ads API Team ref:_00D1U1174p._5001UCa9f6:ref -- -- =~=~=~=~=


2019-07-01 Thread f s
When I create an ad group and then create an ad via curl, I get the response below. HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request Content-length: 1059 X-xss-protection: 0 X-content-type-options: nosniff Transfer-encoding: chunked Request-id: yzVB1VW3hFtrOsymauYSMA Vary: Origin, X-Origin, Referer Server: ESF -content-

Re: Enable API in credential wizard

2019-07-01 Thread Zweitze
Try disabling your ad blocker... On Monday, June 24, 2019 at 5:44:54 PM UTC+2, Andrei Berinde wrote: > > I'm trying to enable the google ads API in the credentials wizard and I > get the attached error. Can anyone advise? > -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us o

Modify 'campaign.target_cpa.target_cpa_micros' on app campaign

2019-07-01 Thread 조아라
Hi, I wanted to modify 'campaign target cpa' on 'universal app campaign' but following error occured. Request with ID "7rAJ_xVXK8V_rqTKaJJJDQ" failed with status "INVALID_ARGUMENT" and includes the following errors: (<_Rendezvous of RPC that terminated with: status = StatusCode.INVALI

How to find all the queryable fields of a resource?

2019-07-01 Thread 苑栋杰
I call GoogleAdsFieldServiceClient->getGoogleAdsField('googleAdsFields/campaign'); I get the data for metrics and segments, but I want to get data like;;campaign.labels, what should I do to get it? -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on

Google Ads API v2 - AdService

2019-07-01 Thread Łukasz Stankiewicz
Hey, as I see that v2 version of Google Ads was released with support for AdService with mutation of data what is awesome but it supports only 8 types of ads. Are there any plans to support all of them and when it is planned to be released if so? Thank you -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=

Developer token prohibited

2019-07-01 Thread 'Pedro Da Silva' via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi, we have a set of service account credentials that are currently being used to access google AdWords with a given developer token. Now that we have service accounts available for Google Ads API, we wanted to use those same credentials and developer token to access this API on behalf of SDC.

Update CustomerExtensionSetting PHP error

2019-07-01 Thread Ανδρέας Παπαδόπουλος
Hello GoogleAds, I have a weird problem, similar to this , where the following code $sitelinkResourceNames = [ // resource names of extension feed items containing sitelinks s

Can I get the consumption information of my account through this Google-Ads API?

2019-07-01 Thread li qian
我可以通过此Google-Ads API获取我的帐户的消费信息吗? -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog: =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "AdWords API and

What endpoint should I make calls to to get search volume for a particular set of keywords?

2019-07-01 Thread Leor Fishman
I've been trying to read the docs and the relevant code examples seem to be doing stuff that's way more sophisticated than what I need -- seems like I need to be accessing

Unknown country/territory IDs

2019-07-01 Thread Alex Maniakin
Hello, When I'm fetching report though API I see there "countryTerritory" IDs that I can't get with "LocationCreterionService". Also I checked CSV you offer with list of All IDs - and there is missing this IDs too. Example missing IDs: 2760, 2364, 2192, 2736, etc... How can I get names for this

RE: Will I be able to make a campaign with TARGET_CPA bid strategy if my conversation tracker status is UNKNOWN?

2019-07-01 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod
Hello, Can you please clarify what you mean by "conversion tracker status" of "UNKNOWN"? The status field for ConversionTracker does not have such an option. Regards, Mike, Google Ads API Team ref:_00D1U1174p._5001UCZzAk:ref -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us

How to change change bidding strategy from Manual CPC to Target ROAS via Adword API

2019-07-01 Thread Faizan Zulfiqar
Hello I want to change the bidding strategy of a campaign from Manual CPC to Target ROAS. My Question how i am going to change it via API. There is no example available in your provided in your SDK. Also how can i test it on test accounts. -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=

RE: How to add Operating system version target to Campaign or Adgroup?

2019-07-01 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod
Hello Suresh, I'm afraid it is not possible to set the Operating System as the targeting criteria for Search with Display Select campaigns. Please refer to the criteria usage table for more information on the supported campaign types. Thanks, Bharani, Google Ads API Team ref:_00D1U1174p._5001UC

Re: Google Ads API: How to get the metrics of Dynamic Search Ad Targets (legacy "WEBPAGE")

2019-07-01 Thread Mat
Hi Nikisha, thanks for the quick response. I'm already using this "hack" - but there are some downsides since the search_term_view doesn't provide metrics for search phrases whithout clicks and usually not even all the search phrases with clicks. I hope there will be an upgrade to the API re th

Re: Campaign StartDate not consistent between AdWords API and Google Ads API

2019-07-01 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod
Hello Dongqi, We did not receive the details sent privately. Could you provide the complete report definition you used in AdWords API, and also the complete logs that were generated when you downloaded the report in Google Ads API side so we can better see the discrepancy? You can share the det

Image Ad

2019-07-01 Thread Dima
Hi! Is there an instruction or an example for creating an image ad for google dislpay? Thanks! -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog: =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ You received this message be

Re: The Criterion is not allowed to be excluded. Cannot exclude Content Label Criterion "GAMES".

2019-07-01 Thread Paul
API Team, could you also post a public response about why this is happening? We are also encountering this issue. On Monday, July 1, 2019 at 1:31:02 AM UTC-5, vibhesh kaul wrote: > > Hi Josh, > > By inbox do you mean my email inbox? Because I did not receive any email > from you on the 26th. An

Re: cleanUp categoryFilters for account level location extension

2019-07-01 Thread Sergey Petrov
Hi Josh ! Agree, this workaround could work, but as you mentioned it will be hard to track all stats properly. So it would be better to have another way to go. Thanks. Waiting for updates :) воскресенье, 30 июня 2019 г., 4:32:34 UTC+2 пользователь adsapiforumadvisor написал: > > Hi Sergey, >

Re: Adwords API - Not able to download Reports any outage?

2019-07-01 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod
Hello Chirag, I received the logs. Also, I see that you are communicating with Thanet on the SSL connection related issue, Please continue on the thread related to that error. Meanwhile I will help you here on the other error in the soap log shared. I am seeing mostly USER_PERMISSION_DENIED err

Re: Extension SiteLink Google ads php

2019-07-01 Thread Adrian Lara
Ready, I need add this: $operationObject = new ExtensionFeedItemOperation(); $operationObject ->setCreate($operation); $adGroupExtensionSettingServiceClient = $this->service-> getExtensionFeedItemServiceClient(); $adGroupExtensionSettingServiceClient->mutateExtensionFeedItems($this-> customerId,

Re: Gmail Ads upload image ad

2019-07-01 Thread Diogo Pereira
Hi, What i need is "Image ad" and not upload an image on a ad. When i create a gmail ad i have the option to upload "Image Ad" ou "HTML Ad". With code shared the ad was created is the same to "+ Gmail Ad". [image: Captura de ecrã 2019-07-01, às 18.04.53.png] On Friday, 21 June 2019 19:31

RE: hotel_name in Google Ads API

2019-07-01 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod
Hello David, Looks like the hotel_name field is not yet available via Google Ads API. I will let my team know regarding your concern. Meanwhile you could keep an eye on our release notes and the blog to know more information when a new version is made available. Regards, Sai Teja, Google Ads A

RE: Google Ads - SOAP/REST APIs?

2019-07-01 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod
Hello Peter, I see that a response may have been sent, but it doesn't look like it was posted correctly and got a bit garbled. So, I'm posting a summary here to be a bit more clear. For the Google Ads product, we have currently two APIs for accessing the product. The AdWords API is based on SO

Re: Extension SiteLink Google ads php

2019-07-01 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod
Hello Adrian, Could you please confirm if you need additional assistance creating the Sitelink Extensions through the API? If so, could you please share the request and response logs which contain the error details, to check this further? You can share the details privately via Reply privately

RE: get campaignBudgets &&

2019-07-01 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod
Hello Dima, In order to fetch all the campaign budgets and the campaigns associated to them you can use campaign_budget resource name and can use the below query for example. Query: "SELECT,,, campaign_budget.amount_micros,


2019-07-01 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod
Hi Team, You need to manually complete your account set up through Google Ads UI and then make the API calls. Once your account is set up, you will successfully be able to make calls to API. Let us know if this helps. Regards, Nikisha Patel, Google Ads API Team ref:_00D1U1174p._5001UCZyNO:ref

Re: Placement Performance report has duplicate rows

2019-07-01 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod
Hi Christian, I apologize for the inconvenience. I understand your concern and would try my best to address them in the responses below. 1. How do we know what this unique key is for each report? It's not described in the report documentation or on the implicit segmentation page that Luis linke

Re: Placement Performance report has duplicate rows

2019-07-01 Thread Christian Romming
Nikisha, Again, this doesn't really answer either of questions. I'll focus on question (2). I asked: Are you saying that whenever a report includes one of the "unique key" > attributes such as AdGroupId or CampaignId the report will be segmented by > this field? If so, what is the full set of

RE: Developer token prohibited

2019-07-01 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod
Hi Pedro, Thank you for contacting support.The DEVELOPER_TOKEN_PROHIBITED error indicates that in the past, there was at least one request to your Google Ads API using OAuth credentials from the same project ID with different developer token. Could you please create a new Google Cloud Project I

RE: Can I get the consumption information of my account through this Google-Ads API?

2019-07-01 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod
Hi, With regards to your concern, you could use Conversion tracking in the Google Ads API to keep track of users who call, buy a product, install a mobile app, and more from your account. To use conversion tracking via Google Ads API please refer this guide. Let us know if you need additional i


2019-07-01 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod
Hi, Thank you contacting support. I tried creating a new ad using code sample from Java Client libraries to create Expanded Dynamic Search Ads and have attached the logs. The AdGroupType enum value should be set to SEARCH_DYNAMIC_ADS for creating the expanded dynamic Search Ads instead of SEARC

Re: Detail Placement report fields with value '--'

2019-07-01 Thread Michael Xue
Thank you Hiroyuki! On Wednesday, June 5, 2019 at 11:57:39 PM UTC-4, adsapiforumadvisor wrote: > > Hi Michael, > > The value '--' in reports means null. However, your concern appears to be > more specific to the Google Ads UI and how values in reports are generated. > With this, I would suggest

Re: Negative placement list at MCC/Managed Account Level

2019-07-01 Thread Michael Xue
Hi, I have a similar question, and am wondering if things have changed since the original post date. I would like to know if its possible to share MCC account level negative placements across sub-accounts with *Google Ads API*. On Monday, March 27, 2017 at 11:57:05 AM UTC-4, Sreelakshmi Sasidha

Re: Excluding ContentLabelType::GAMES and ContentLabelType::UNKNOWN failing

2019-07-01 Thread Aleš Zavadský
Hi, I have same problem with excluding ContentLabelType::GAMES. I only found that they are streamlining the content exclusion options Is it relevant? Thanks, Ales -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on

No response running script

2019-07-01 Thread Christiaan Dageforde
Attempting to run from the folder of example scripts that come with the client library. The script throws no errors, but doesn't return any of the intended print statements, either. I do get a note about my default encoding, but I don't see how this could be related to the afor

Applying placement exclusion lists to account/ad group programmatically

2019-07-01 Thread Michael Xue
Hi, I'm wondering if the Google Ads API supports applying placement exclusion lists to an account or ad group programmatically? I see that this is possible in the Google Ads user interface: I know that placement exclusion lists can be appli


2019-07-01 Thread f s
Thank you very match, Nikisha!!! I succeeded in creating the EXPANDED DYNAMIC SEARCH AD. I'm really grateful for you. -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog: =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ You r

Re: Google Ads API get reporting of performance data error

2019-07-01 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod
Hello, The good news is that I found the requests on our servers, so I was able to determine that the data is coming back fine. i don't see any changes from the data itself. However, I'm going to double-check with our PHP expert to see if something about the data type may have changed that coul

RE: No response running script

2019-07-01 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod
Hi Christian, Thank you for reaching out. Could you provide screenshots that show the results so I could further check? Could you also confirm if you are using the Google Ads API client library or the AdWords API client library? Regards, Dannison Google Ads API Team ref:_00D1U1174p._5001UCaWGK

Re: Google Ads API get reporting of performance data error

2019-07-01 Thread MCC智美
Ok, I am Looking forward to the next good news 在 2019年7月2日星期二 UTC+8上午10:27:26,adsapiforumadvisor写道: > > Hello, > > The good news is that I found the requests on our servers, so I was able > to determine that the data is coming back fine. i don't see any changes > from the data itself. However, I

Re: Issue setting bid strategy through API differs from UI

2019-07-01 Thread Vinutha Nayak
Hi Dannison, I have sent you the logs requested few days back. Could you please let me know if you were able to progress ? At the least I just need a response to convince myself that it is being looked upon please ? Thanks and Regards, Vinutha Nayak On Friday, 28 June 2019 13:00:29 UTC+5:

Re: Google Ads API get reporting of performance data error

2019-07-01 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod
Hello there, I see you have posted on the GitHub issue tracker as well. Could you please upgrade the library and confirm again, as we have just released v2? Cheers, Thanet, Google Ads API Team ref:_00D1U1174p._5001UCZyrp:ref -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us

RE: Private message regarding: TargetingIdeaService throwing exceptions all the time

2019-07-01 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod
Hi Andrei, I am a colleague of Ziv and I will be the one providing support. Thank you for providing the SOAP request and response logs privately. It seems that you haven't received Ziv's reply which he sent to your email address. I tried to replicate the TargetingIdeaService call using the same

RE: Unknown country/territory IDs

2019-07-01 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod
Hi Alex, Thank you for reaching out to us. So I can further investigate, could you provide your CID and the complete definition via Reply privately to author? Regards, Hiroyuki Google Ads API Team ref:_00D1U1174p._5001UCaNOF:ref -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also fin

RE: Update CustomerExtensionSetting PHP error

2019-07-01 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod
Hi Andreas, Thank you for reaching out to us. Could you confirm if you are using AdWords API? If yes, so I can further investigate the issue, could you provide the complete SOAP request and response logs? If you are using Google Ads API, please provide the complete JSON request and response lo

Re: Linking account with Manager Account in Google Ads API

2019-07-01 Thread Amrender kumar
Hi Teja, Hope you are well. I did not hear anything from your end? Could you please respond to my queries at your earliest convenience as I am stuck with this linking feature? I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks, Amrender On Thu, 27 Jun 2019 at 22:55, Amrender kumar wrote: > Hi Teja, >