BudgetOrderService filter by dates

2015-11-18 Thread artem . bikov . ingate
Hello. I create budget order { :billing_account_id=>"2069-1739-3404-9839", :id=>199191264, :last_request=> { :status=>"UNDER_REVIEW", :spending_limit=>{:comparable_value_type=>"Money", :micro_amount=> 1},

Cross-tabulation by video views.

2015-11-18 Thread F inc
Hi, While this is that it has not been realized in Google Adwords management screen, please tell me whether it is possible if you use the API. I want to make a cross-tabulation with multiple conditions(devive, gender, age range, the presence of children, interests) on the number of video viewi

Bug - Geo Performance Report - Always returns data at Ad Group Level?

2015-11-18 Thread AdWordsApiUser
Hello, In the Geo Performance report, even if I select just CountryId and Impressions, I get multiple rows per CountryId (1 row corresponding to each Ad Group+CountryId combination). This is an issue because if I specify a condition such as "Clicks > 5" it filters out countries incorrectly. Th

Re: batch job service giving operand and error message both as null

2015-11-18 Thread Kainesh Patel
Hi Josh, As a temporary workaround, we have changed our java version from java version "1.6.0_21" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_21-b07) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 17.0-b17, mixed mode) to java version "1.6.0_36" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.13.8) (6b36-1


2015-11-18 Thread Charlie Muir
What is *CampaignService.get?* On Thursday, October 23, 2014 at 6:37:09 AM UTC-7, Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team) wrote: > > Hi Pino, > > You're probably getting that error because the *Campaign* that contains > the *AdGroup* of the *AdGroupAd* has been removed. Once a *Campaign *has > been r

{"[AuthorizationError.USER_PERMISSION_DENIED @ ; trigger:'']"} from account which has administrative permission

2015-11-18 Thread Jonathan Walder
We are trying to setup several feeds into the AdWords CRM UserListService "https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/rm/v201509/AdwordsUserListService"; We seem to be getting past the OAuth2 hurdles fine in that we are not getting an "Authentication" error, we are getting an "Authorization" error.

Authorization Error trouble

2015-11-18 Thread Jonathan Walder
We are trying to create some CRM based lists in AdWords via the API and are just getting started with it. We have run into an issue at the gates which is making it difficult to proceed. There appear to be no OAuth2 issues as we are not getting any "Authentication" errors, instead we are getting

Re: Video Ads - How to pull metrics from Adwords API.

2015-11-18 Thread sagun . tumkar
Hi AdWords API Team, Are you going to support creating/updating video campaigns in the next release? Thanks, Sagun On Monday, October 19, 2015 at 6:24:12 AM UTC-7, Umesh Dengale wrote: > > Hello, > > The AdWords API v201509 supports TrueView campaigns that have migrated > from AdWords for


2015-11-18 Thread artem . bikov . ingate
Hello. I send request with params { :billing_account_id=>"2069-1739-3404-9839", :start_date_time=>"20151118 180538 Europe/Moscow", :end_date_time=>"20151119 00 Europe/Moscow", :spending_limit=>{:micro_amount=>15000} } and get !

Re: Can not save Audience Rule with ExpressionUserList

2015-11-18 Thread Nadine Sundquist (AdWords API Team)
Hi Binh, I'm not sure why that would be the case. I would have to do some experimentation to figure that out. If you have any further questions about the API, please don't hesitate to contact us. Regards, Nadine, AdWords API Team On Wednesday, November 18, 2015 at 2:33:44 AM UTC-5, Binh Quach

Re: Video Ads - How to pull metrics from Adwords API.

2015-11-18 Thread Umesh Dengale
Hi Sagun, We can't comment on the future features of the AdWords API. Please keep an eye on our AdWords API blog for any updates or announcements. Che

Re: Determining whether a campaign targeting the search network, or the display network

2015-11-18 Thread Anthony Madrigal
Hi, In order to get the network type of your campaigns, select the field AdvertisingChannelType in your selector in the CampaignService. Cheers, Anthony AdWords API Team -- --

Re: Issue creating custom combination remarketing list using LogicalUserList

2015-11-18 Thread kaushik vinay T G
Hi Nadine, I tried to send the parameters as u mentioned, but Im unable to create it using ruby client library, please let me know if im passing the right syntax user_list_srv = adwords.service(:AdwordsUserListService, :v201509) operation = { :operator => 'ADD', :op

Re: Error during product partition creation

2015-11-18 Thread Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team)
Hi Peter, No updates yet, but the engineers are looking into it. I'll get back to you as soon as I hear anything. Cheers, Josh, AdWords API Team On Tuesday, November 17, 2015 at 11:25:13 PM UTC-5, peter.rietz...@smarter-ecommerce.com wrote: > > Hi Josh > > Any updates on this ? > > Thanks! > P

Re: Using reports to sync account structure

2015-11-18 Thread Umesh Dengale
Hello, You could use the AdGroupChangeData.changedCriteria , AdGroupChangeData,removedCriteria

Re: (502)Bad Gateway error

2015-11-18 Thread Nadine Sundquist (AdWords API Team)
Hi Jill, I need a few more details on the request that was being made in order to figure out what's going on. Would you happen to have the SOAP XML or logs showing what request was being made at the time? The response in your logs could also be helpful. Please click the drop-down and choose *Re


2015-11-18 Thread Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team)
Hi, *CampaignService.get *refers to the get method of CampaignService , which you can use to retrieve your campaigns. Check out the GetCampaigns Java example


2015-11-18 Thread Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team)
dWords account. Thanks, Josh, AdWords API Team On Wednesday, November 18, 2015 at 9:18:07 AM UTC-5, artem.bikov.ing...@gmail.com wrote: > > Hello. > I send request with params > { > :billing_account_id=>"2069-1739-3404-9839", > :start_date_time=>"201511

Re: Special Char in text ad

2015-11-18 Thread Nadine Sundquist (AdWords API Team)
Hi Jesus, I talked it over with one of our people who knows Python around here. He agrees that this a tough one to solve with Python 2. His suggestion is, if you're setting the default encoding to utf-8, suds should accept Unicode string containing non-ASCII characters. You could alternatively

Re: Issue creating custom combination remarketing list using LogicalUserList

2015-11-18 Thread Michael Cloonan (AdWords API Team)
Hello, You shouldn't need to define :user_list => within the array of :rule_operands. Instead, just define the user list directly. This is what "choice" type means; you can populate the data with one of many possible classes. This is why an explicit :xsi_type is required, as well. So, for exam

Re: Issue creating custom combination remarketing list using LogicalUserList

2015-11-18 Thread kaushik vinay T G
Hello Mike, I tried that before and gave it a try again now, this is what i got as response AdsCommon::Errors::TypeMismatchError: AdsCommon::Errors::TypeMismatchError: expected: 'choice subtype', provided: 'ExpressionRuleUserList' for field '{:id=>185402532}' On Wednesday, 18 Nove

Re: Google AdWords API - There is no campaign!(PHP)

2015-11-18 Thread Anthony Madrigal
Hi, I am not sure if and when this feature will be supported. You will not be able to automatically be stopped in response to the video playback number using the AdWords reports. Please check our blog regarding any announcement

Re: Cross-tabulation by video views.

2015-11-18 Thread Anthony Madrigal
Hi, Unfortunately, this feature is not possible when using AdWords API. I will have a talk with the team and see if this can be added in future releases. Regards, Anthony AdWords API Team -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog and Google+: https://go

Re: v201506 Report Fields CSV

2015-11-18 Thread Nadine Sundquist (AdWords API Team)
Hi Mark, I'm just following up here. Were you able to get this figured out? Cheers, Nadine, AdWords API Team On Friday, October 23, 2015 at 5:00:34 PM UTC-4, Nadine Sundquist (AdWords API Team) wrote: > > Hi Mark, > > Is there a specific place in the documentation where you were getting the >

Re: Mcc Level Account Peroformance Report

2015-11-18 Thread Umesh Dengale
Hello, You need to run a report for each account in your MCC separately. If you need to gather reporting data for multiple accounts, submit a separate report request for each account by setting the clientCustomerId header. Please check out Reporting on multiple accounts

Re: Determining whether a campaign targeting the search network, or the display network

2015-11-18 Thread etienne . veilleux
Hi and thank you I can now retrieve the "channel type". Good day ! On Wednesday, November 18, 2015 at 9:26:44 AM UTC-5, Anthony Madrigal wrote: > > Hi, > > In order to get the network type of your campaigns, select the field > AdvertisingChannelType >

Re: Issue creating custom combination remarketing list using LogicalUserList

2015-11-18 Thread Michael Cloonan (AdWords API Team)
Hello, In your initial email, you mentioned that the library validation worked and that you got a response from the API. Try that same syntax, but using the specific :xsi_type (ExpressionRuleUserList) rather than the generic "UserList". If that's already what you've tried, please provide the ex


2015-11-18 Thread etienne . veilleux
Hi, I want to know how I can find out if there at least 1 conversion within a account in the last 30 days. I am familiar with "GetService ('CampaignService' ADWORDS_VERSION);" but I don't know what to look for to get that kind of information. Thank you in advance for your help! Etienne -- -

Re: (502)Bad Gateway error

2015-11-18 Thread Jill
Hi Nadine, Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately we don't log detail XML in production and I was not able to reproduce it in dev. Would giving you the account and bulk mutate job id info help? This problem persisted all afternoon yesterday and went away in the evening. What does it mean? See

Re: Using reports to sync account structure

2015-11-18 Thread Brad Ruderman
I am still unclear how to determine which days have changed. I understand the "CustomerSyncService" returns back different levels that have changed, however I need to know the DAYS which data has changed for. If I pass in a min/max of last sync time, where do I then get the days that need to be

Updating from v201502 to v201509 ( LocationExtensionOperand )

2015-11-18 Thread philo
Hi! I recently updated to from v201502 to v201509. After upgrading the API stopped working because of the required feedId (RequiredError.REQUIRED @ operations[2].operand.criterion.feedId). If I understand correctly it is now required to provide a feedId if you use the LocationExtensionOperand.

Re: Issue creating custom combination remarketing list using LogicalUserList

2015-11-18 Thread kaushik vinay T G
Hi, I was only able to pass :xsi_type as "UserList", anything other than that throws an error user_list_srv = adwords.service(:AdwordsUserListService, :v201509) operation = { :operator => 'ADD', :operand => { :xsi_type => 'LogicalUserList', :name =>

Re: Bug - Geo Performance Report - Always returns data at Ad Group Level?

2015-11-18 Thread Umesh Dengale
Hi MG, The GEO_PERFORMANCE_REPORT gives all statistics aggregated at the country/territory level. If other segment fields are used, you may get more than one row per country/territory. The AdGroupName

Re: Issue creating custom combination remarketing list using LogicalUserList

2015-11-18 Thread Michael Cloonan (AdWords API Team)
Hello, Looking at the WSDL, I believe that hash is supposed to work. We only recently added choice support for requests to the ruby library, but only tested it for a different use case, not LogicalUserLists. I believe this to be a bug with the ruby library itself. Can you please file an issue

Re: Suspicious behaviour of BatchJob service when AdGroup was removed

2015-11-18 Thread Michael Cloonan (AdWords API Team)
Hello, Please give this a try again; the fix should be live now. Regards, Mike, AdWords API Team On Friday, November 6, 2015 at 9:00:27 AM UTC-5, Michael Cloonan (AdWords API Team) wrote: > > Hello, > > Currently, the bug affects all similar operations to the one you described > for AdGroups.

Re: batch job service giving operand and error message both as null

2015-11-18 Thread Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team)
Hi Kainesh, I'm not an expert on the differences between those JREs, but I can tell you that the *BatchJobHelper* relies heavily on the XML utilities included in the JRE. It's possible that the older 1.6 JRE you were using had issues in that space, which would explain why upgrading fixed the pr

Re: IdeaTextFilterSearchParameter to be more specific?

2015-11-18 Thread Anthony Madrigal
Hi, Based on your SOAP request, it seems to match what you "included" and "excluded": - flights to albuquerque, flights to la, cheapest flights, cheap flights to albuquerque, cheap one way flights, lax flights, cheap international flights - They either all match the *included *"fli

Re: Authorization Error trouble

2015-11-18 Thread Umesh Dengale
Hello, The AuthorizationError.USER_PERMISSION_DENIED means your OAuth credentials don't match clientCustomerId you specify. Basically, login you are using doesn't have access to the account you are trying to touch. BTW, this is covered here

Re: Conversions

2015-11-18 Thread Anthony Madrigal
Hi Etienne, For your use case, I recommend using a report instead of an API service. The particular report type you should use is the Account Performance Report . Make sure to include the field *Convers

Re: Issue creating custom combination remarketing list using LogicalUserList

2015-11-18 Thread kaushik vinay T G
Hello Mike, Thanks for the update, had my head cracking on this, will file for an issue now. Regards, Kaushik Vinay On Wednesday, 18 November 2015 13:37:41 UTC-5, Michael Cloonan (AdWords API Team) wrote: > > Hello, > > Looking at the WSDL, I believe that hash is supposed to work. We only

Re: ValueTrack Parameter to Match mobileappcategory:: in PLACEMENT_PERFORMANCE_REPORT

2015-11-18 Thread Nadine Sundquist (AdWords API Team)
Hi Mark, Thanks for your detailed post; it made your question very clear. As far as I know, ValueTrack does not have the mobileappcategory available in any of its parameters. I don't know any way of getting that information into the URL. I'll look into filing a feature request for you. Cheers,

Re: ValueTrack Parameter to Match mobileappcategory:: in PLACEMENT_PERFORMANCE_REPORT

2015-11-18 Thread Mark Rogoyski
Thank you Nadine. We would like this to be a feature to get the mobileappcategory:: ID string on the URL. On Wednesday, November 18, 2015 at 12:28:16 PM UTC-8, Nadine Sundquist (AdWords API Team) wrote: > > Hi Mark, > > Thanks for your detailed post; it made your question very clear. As far as

Re: Using reports to sync account structure

2015-11-18 Thread Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team)
Hi Brad, I don't think that *CustomerSyncService* is going to provide the information you want for your use case. That service returns IDs of objects that were added or removed, or whose *attributes* have changed during the date range specified. However, it sounds like you are looking for the I

Re: BudgetOrderService filter by dates

2015-11-18 Thread Anthony Madrigal
Hi, Is this error still occurring to you? The InternalApiError happens sometimes when there is trouble with our server. If you are still having these problems, please let me know so that I can further investigate.

Re: Using reports to sync account structure

2015-11-18 Thread Brad Ruderman
Josh, That is correct. I was doing the last 5 days of sync. I still was able to find discrepancies, looking historically from last month. I actually know exactly which record had discrepancies and when I polled that data if that helps. Thanks, Brad On Wednesday, November 18, 2015 at 1:36:41 PM

Re: Using reports to sync account structure

2015-11-18 Thread Brad Ruderman
Do you have any recommendations about how to properly sync beyond the 5 days to ensure the data is accurate and valid. Thanks, Brad On Wednesday, November 18, 2015 at 2:27:52 PM UTC-8, Brad Ruderman wrote: > > Josh, > That is correct. I was doing the last 5 days of sync. I still was able to > f

Re: Mcc Level Account Peroformance Report

2015-11-18 Thread Chirag
Hello Umesh, Thanks for reply. If you need to gather reporting data for multiple accounts, submit a separate report request for each account by setting the clientCustomerId header. - Currently I am doing same, passing separate report request for each clientCustomerId. But should I pass multip


2015-11-18 Thread artem . bikov . ingate
5 at 9:18:07 AM UTC-5, > artem.bik...@gmail.com wrote: >> >> Hello. >> I send request with params >> { >> :billing_account_id=>"2069-1739-3404-9839", >> :start_date_time=>"20151118 180538 Europe/Moscow", >>

Re: BudgetOrderService filter by dates

2015-11-18 Thread artem . bikov . ingate
Yes, it's still happen. Additional. I create new BudgetOrder (id=229891455) and try get by id them and get content-type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8, date: Thu, 19 Nov 2015 05:35:19 GMT, expires: Thu, 19 Nov 2015 05:35:19 GMT, cache-control: private, max-age=0, x-content-type-options: nosniff, x-fr

Re: Bug - Geo Performance Report - Always returns data at Ad Group Level?

2015-11-18 Thread AdWordsApiUser
Hi Umesh, Thanks for your quick reply as always. The issue is that I am not selecting AdGroupName or AdGroupId at all, and therefore I should not be getting a row corresponding to ad groups. All I am selecting is CountryCriteriaId and Impressions. Thanks, MG On Thursday, November 19, 2015 at

Re: IdeaTextFilterSearchParameter to be more specific?

2015-11-18 Thread Calin Ignat
Greetings, Thanks for your time and help. I know the keyword was misspelled, this was just an example. Along the way, yesterday, talking with my marketing team we discovered that if we brace with commas the include/exclude keywords, the results are more relevant. (like in the online tool) Also