Re: Strange and Inconsistent Keyword Performance report behavor

2014-02-07 Thread Oliver
Hi Takeshi, I'm not explicitly setting the includeZeroImpressions flag to any value. But the documentation says that if we use predicates, then we will always get back all the structural data. This works, by the way, *even for test accounts *where there are no impressions at all. Our code st

List of potential new keywords using API

2014-02-07 Thread techpoint . 2015
Hi, Logging to customer account sometime show up "Increase traffic by adding xx potential new keywords" message with a link to view. Is there any method available to get such list through adwords API? Thanks, -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog and

Re: Shared Credit Card for client accounts created using ManagedCustomerService

2014-02-07 Thread Michael Cloonan (AdWords API Team)
Hi Evan, I believe this is the case; as long as you have billing set up on your MCC account then newly created client accounts should automatically inherit it. Thanks, Mike, AdWords API Advisor On Tuesday, February 4, 2014 12:45:40 PM UTC-5, Evan Halley wrote: > > Hi all, > > Assuming our MCC a

Re: conversion tracker - remove conversion

2014-02-07 Thread Ray Tsang (AdWords API Team)
Tom, Please try using the "SET" operation rather than "REMOVE". Secondly, in addition to setting the, also set Converstracker.status to DISABLED. Hope this helps, Ray On Thursday, February 6, 2014 8:47:42 AM UTC-5, wrote: > > Hi Ray, > > Just removing a

Re: Ad Hoc Reporting to migrate to 309

2014-02-07 Thread Ray Tsang (AdWords API Team)
Mike, Please refer to the PHP comment docson the usage of report download related functions. For example, DownloadReportWithAwql(...) can take a NULL value for the $path variable.

Re: Unable to generate OAuth2 access tokens

2014-02-07 Thread Michael Cloonan (AdWords API Team)
Hi Chris, This sounds like it's probably an issue with how you've set up your project in the Google Developers Console . Please make sure you're following the instructions in the OAuth 2 Guide

Re: FeedService sitelinks entity limit?

2014-02-07 Thread Michael Cloonan (AdWords API Team)
Hello Cochise, We have a guide that lists all of the limits on your account, including limits related to feeds. I do not believe there is a per-feed limit on items, but the per-account limit is 250,000. Thanks, Mike, AdWords

Re: I am trying to cancel an adwords client accout in my MCC Dashboard but there is no delete link

2014-02-07 Thread Michael Cloonan (AdWords API Team)
Hi Stan, This forum is specifically for issues related to the AdWords API. For help figuring out how to delete accounts in the user interface, please try our official AdWords community . Thanks, Mike, AdWords API Advisor On Tuesday, February 4, 2014 1:54

Unable to connect to the remote server

2014-02-07 Thread Jeremy K
Hi, Unfortunately I'm getting an error when I try to run GetCampaigns in the c# .net sample that I downloaded from: What's frustrating is that a colleague has managed to get this working in ruby and I'm using the


2014-02-07 Thread Diego
Hola, Hace años utilizo la API para hacer informes y siempre me fue bien, pero desde esta semana me da un error: Error: QuotaCheckError.ACCOUNT_INACCESSIBLE He leído en la documentación de este error:

Geo Targeting at zip code level

2014-02-07 Thread venky Nalluri
We are getting following error while running script to create a campaign with zip code geo targeting option. Is this feature still available ONLY for best testers? [System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException] = {"[BetaError.BETA_FEATURE @ operations[1].operand.criterion; trigger:'9022858', Bet

QuotaCheckError.INCOMPLETE_SIGNUP on report download

2014-02-07 Thread Ben Ferguson
Hi, I'm currently developing an SSIS package that imports report data from our company's AdWords account into a SQL Server database. We've set up a C# script task that pulls the data in an XML format, using OAuth2 and a refresh token for access. That works fine when it's tested on a new accoun

Re: zero impressions are only available in Keyword performance, not on Ad Performance

2014-02-07 Thread Peter Kingswell
Hi Paul, I have a related issue. We do not use segmenting in order to receive zero impression (ZI) rows. This works for campaigns (i.e. we receive a row for each campaign even if there're no impressions) but does not work for accounts (i.e. the account to which the ZI campaigns belong does no


2014-02-07 Thread Maurício Alves de Souza Oliveira
Hello, Takeshi All the logs (and the pretty xmls) are attached. This is only one example, other clients, adGroups and placements are having the same behaviour. Thanks in advance Mauricio Em sexta-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2014 02h23min22s UTC-2, Takeshi Hagikura (AdWords API Team) escreveu: >

Re: QuotaCheckError.ACCOUNT_INACTIVE at MCC Test Account and production developer Token

2014-02-07 Thread Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team)
Hi, It looks like you did not accept Terms & Conditions on your production MCC. Could you go back into *Billing --> Billing Preferences* and re-enter your billing information, and make sure that you click *Continue* all the way through, including past the Terms & Conditions screen? Thanks, Jo

Re: Should i wait for the next API version?

2014-02-07 Thread Michael Cloonan (AdWords API Team)
Hi Francisco, While I can't give you any information on when new versions of the API may be coming out, I can comment that our migration guidesare most useful for upgrading between consecutive versions. If you're not usin

Re: Adwords real time data fetching

2014-02-07 Thread Michael Cloonan (AdWords API Team)
Hello, If I understand correctly, you want to be able to tell, when you receive a call where the user saw an ad with a call extension but manually dialed the number, which keywords were matched to show that ad that led to the call. And you want to be able to make a query to find this informatio

Re: Adparam in ad text

2014-02-07 Thread Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team)
Hi, Based on your code snippet it looks like you are using scripts. If that's the case, please see the following ad params example: In particular, the *Setting ad parameters* section shows a code example that sets add

Re: Retrieve userlist id

2014-02-07 Thread Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team)
Hi, You would want to submit a 'get' invocation rather than a 'mutate' in this case. The XML would look similar to this: <*get* xmlns="";>";>Id