Re: MCC Test Account returning QuotaCheckError.ACCOUNT_INACTIVE on API Call

2013-08-29 Thread testmcc
Me too facing same issue. Generally ACCOUNT_INACTIVE comes when billing information is not set, but I've set billing info on both MCC test account and the child account. I've tried unlinking and linking them back again. My test mcc account is not yet approved. here is my soap request. [Aug 29

Use test accounts since developer token is "pending approval" for 4 weeks

2013-08-29 Thread yfeng
Hi guys, My API access in the MCC account is still in the status of "pending approval", due to this, can I just use the test account I applied to do authenticate via oauth2 and then write java code through adwords API? Tell me if I didn't describe my situation clearly. BTW, why can't I see the

QuotaCheckError.INCOMPLETE_SIGNUP on test account, after accepting T&C and setting up billing

2013-08-29 Thread Dorin Rosenshine
Using the PHP library, running the GetTextAds.php example and getting: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [soap:Server] [QuotaCheckError.INCOMPLETE_SIGNUP @ ; trigger:''] in src/Google/Api/Ads/Common/Lib/AdsSoapClient.php:216 Stack trace: #0 MCC test account ID - 378-107-7132. Billing info is alread


2013-08-29 Thread Martin Samm
I've signed up for a Test MCC account (737-267-4583) and obtained all the requisite IDs for the 'auth.ini' and am using the latest Php library. My developerToken is pending approval but as i understand in that shouldn't matter for test accounts. Is that correct? I ask as using some sample code


2013-08-29 Thread Martin Samm
i've create an MCC Test Account (737-267-4583) and found my developer token (pending approval) clientCustomerId, refreshToken etc etc. When i use the API I get: An error has occurred: [QuotaCheckError.ACCOUNT_INACTIVE @ ; trigger:''] Is there a delay before the account is activated? Martin

Re: oauth2 mcc account vs adwords account

2013-08-29 Thread yfeng
Hi Anash, Thanks for replying me, I checked the site u send me. that one looks like a .NET guide, the code I'm using is java. And I have other questions, can I just use my "test account" and the "client ID I create in API console" to authenticate via oauth2 and also create campaign, etc in the

Re: MCC Test Account returning QuotaCheckError.ACCOUNT_INACTIVE on API Call

2013-08-29 Thread PinYun Peng
I have the same problem. Application Client ID: Test Account MCM ID: 156-754-4053 The attach file is soap_xml.log of failed API Call. ( The access_token and developerToken are replaced by random text. If they are necess

Re: oauth2 mcc account vs adwords account

2013-08-29 Thread yfeng
Got it! However I didn't get the developer token approved, I'm just using Eclipse+ Maven to get authenticate via oauth2, the account that available to me right now is just a test account. The issue I'm stuck in right now is every time when I want to GetRefreshToken, Eclipse stopped me, notify

QuotaCheckError.INCOMPLETE_SIGNUP on test account, after accepting T&C and setting up billing

2013-08-29 Thread Dorin Rosenshine
Using PHP library, running GetTextAds example and getting: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [soap:Server] [QuotaCheckError.INCOMPLETE_SIGNUP @ ; trigger:''] in /home/content/17/11290817/html/adwords/src/Google/Api/Ads/Common/Lib/AdsSoapClient.php:216 Stack trace: #0 MCC test account ID - 378-107

2013-08-29 Thread testmcc
Hi, I've set the billing information and agreed to T&C on my test MCC account and also on one of my test account under this MCC account. Still when i'm trying to using API to access the campaigns, i'm getting QuotaCheckError.ACCOUNT_INACTIVE error, which is generally received when the billing

Re: MCC Test Account returning QuotaCheckError.ACCOUNT_INACTIVE on API Call

2013-08-29 Thread Anash P. Oommen (AdWords API Team)
Hi, Looks like the error happens because your developer token is in a test MCC account, we don't support that configuration. Test MCCs are meant to test ManagedCustomerService related calls or to manage a hierarchy of test Adverttiser accounts. Please use your production developer token and t

2013-08-29 Thread Anash P. Oommen (AdWords API Team)
Hi, Could you post the request id from the SOAP response? I need that to find out the cause of the error, but I suspect that the error comes because the developer token sits under a test MCC account. We don't support that configuration yet. Cheers, Anash P. Oommen, AdWords API Advisor. On Thu

Re: QuotaCheckError.INCOMPLETE_SIGNUP on test account, after accepting T&C and setting up billing

2013-08-29 Thread Anash P. Oommen (AdWords API Team)
Hi Dorin, You shouldn't create a developer token under a test MCC account. You should rather create a developer token in a non-test account, and use the MCC account only for testing MCC related API calls. Cheers, Anash P. Oommen AdWords API Advisor. On Thursday, August 29, 2013 12:42:38 AM UTC

Re: Dynamic price in ads

2013-08-29 Thread Valerii Buzivskyi
UP пятница, 23 августа 2013 г., 12:24:01 UTC+3 пользователь Valerii Buzivskyi написал: > > Hi Paul, > > thank you for your reply! > > We just try to send one request for few times. > > Also get some errors, like this. > > 2013-08-23 12:01:44 | DEBUG | Updating prices for group 8788017099 [] | >

Re: Unique of creative id on Tracking values

2013-08-29 Thread Anash P. Oommen (AdWords API Team)
Hi Shay, Creative ID is not the same as Ad ID. We don't expose Creative ID through AdWords API. Cheers, Anash P. Oommen, AdWords API Advisor. On Wednesday, August 28, 2013 1:41:28 PM UTC+1, Shay BarChen wrote: > > Hi , > So how can it be that i am using it today without getting duplicates ? >

Re: QuotaCheckError.INCOMPLETE_SIGNUP on test account, after accepting T&C and setting up billing

2013-08-29 Thread Anash P. Oommen (AdWords API Team)
Hi, I responded on the other thread. Cheers, Anash P. Oommen AdWords API Advisor. On Thursday, August 29, 2013 12:28:53 AM UTC+1, Dorin Rosenshine wrote: > > > Using the PHP library, running the GetTextAds.php example and getting: > Uncaught SoapFault exception: [soap:Server] > [QuotaCheckError


2013-08-29 Thread Anash P. Oommen (AdWords API Team)
Hi Martin, Could you sign up for a developer token in a non-test MCC account? We don't support developer tokens in test MCC accounts. Cheers, Anash P. Oommen, AdWords API Advisor. On Wednesday, August 28, 2013 9:50:34 PM UTC+1, Martin Samm wrote: > > i've create an MCC Test Account (737-267-45

Re: Use test accounts since developer token is "pending approval" for 4 weeks

2013-08-29 Thread Anash P. Oommen (AdWords API Team)
Hi, Yes, you can. You just need to create a test Advertiser account under your API MCC and make sure that you restrict your calls to the test account. The calls will succeed as long as they are not made to a production account. About the email: Yes, we have moderation turned on for new users.


2013-08-29 Thread Martin Samm
Anash, i think there's an account i can use. i have to say, this is not described in the docs at all. Martin On Wednesday, August 28, 2013 9:50:34 PM UTC+1, Martin Samm wrote: > > i've create an MCC Test Account (737-267-4583) and found my developer > token (pending approval) clientCustomerId


2013-08-29 Thread Anash P. Oommen (AdWords API Team)
Hi Martin, Your developer token cannot be in a test MCC account. You should use the test MCC account to test MCC API features of AdWords API. Your developer token should be in a non-test MCC. Cheers, Anash P. Oommen, AdWords API Advisor. On Wednesday, August 28, 2013 10:08:58 PM UTC+1, Martin

Getting 'ReportDownloadError.ERROR_GETTING_RESPONSE_FROM_BACKEND' error on fetching Destination Url report

2013-08-29 Thread shobha . procentris
Hi, I am trying to fetch columns 'CampaignId', 'EffectiveDestinationUrl', 'Impressions' of Destination Url report for a duration of 2013-08-01 to 2013-08-15 and I am getting the following error: Underlying errors are Type = 'ReportDownloadError.ERROR_GETTING_RESPONSE_FROM_BACKEND', Trigger =

Re: .NET AdWords Client lib Download Report Error bug.

2013-08-29 Thread Gerhard van Deventer
HI Anash, I am having a similar issue with trying to download adwords reports using the C# Api. Specifically, I am attempting to use OAuth 2.0 to act as a service account and receive errors similar to the text below: Report download errors occurred, see errors field for more details. at

Keywords [:first_page_cpc]

2013-08-29 Thread Alex
Hello, I am using the adwords api to poll the keywords from a campaing. In my model initializer I have this line of code @firstPageCpc = api_keyword[:first_page_cpc][:amount][:micro_amount] / 100 My problem is that for few campaign or adgroups I can poll the data without any problem, b

Re: Unable to get OAuth 2.0 refresh_token with GetRefreshToken.php

2013-08-29 Thread Alan Coleman
Hi Mark, I'm currently working through the same situation myself. Frustrating isn't the word! Are your *client_id* and *client_secret* pair from your MCC Account? I think this is important, although it's hidden away in the documentation. I'd be interested to know how you get on with this, I'll

Re: Unable to get OAuth 2.0 refresh_token with GetRefreshToken.php

2013-08-29 Thread Ewan Heming
Hi Alan, You shouldn't need a new developer token as you can use any token with any authorized AdWords account. You can also use any client_id and client_secret to generate the OAuth tokens. Quite a few of the people I've worked with have had problems generating tokens when they just want to

Re: Unable to get OAuth 2.0 refresh_token with GetRefreshToken.php

2013-08-29 Thread Alan Coleman
Thanks Ewan! Look at me, giving out bad advice on the forum! On Thursday, August 29, 2013 12:20:49 PM UTC+1, Ewan Heming wrote: > > Hi Alan, > > You shouldn't need a new developer token as you can use any token with any > authorized AdWords account. You can also use any client_id and > client_se

Re: .NET AdWords Client lib Download Report Error bug.

2013-08-29 Thread Anash P. Oommen (AdWords API Team)
Hi Gerhard, Did you set user.Config.ClientCustomerId at any point? AdWords API reports need that to pull the relevant data even if you set prn email correctly to that of your advertiser account. Cheers, Anash On Thursday, August 29, 2013 11:07:03 AM UTC+1, Gerhard van Deventer wrote: > > HI An

Re: Getting 'ReportDownloadError.ERROR_GETTING_RESPONSE_FROM_BACKEND' error on fetching Destination Url report

2013-08-29 Thread Anash P. Oommen (AdWords API Team)
Hi Shobha, This error message could be temporary, could you try the call once more and see if the data comes through? Cheers, Anash P. Oommen, AdWords API Advisor. On Thursday, August 29, 2013 11:04:46 AM UTC+1, wrote: > > Hi, > > I am trying to fetch columns 'CampaignId',


2013-08-29 Thread Anash P. Oommen (AdWords API Team)
Hi Martin, Yes, we are aware of that, we are working with our tech writers to make this clear. There are several other users who had the same issue. Cheers, Anash On Thursday, August 29, 2013 10:19:21 AM UTC+1, Martin Samm wrote: > > Anash, > > i think there's an account i can use. > > i have t

Total number of campaigns saved into DB

2013-08-29 Thread Alex
** I am currently testing some code from google adwords ruby api. class CampaignController < ApplicationController PAGE_SIZE = 50 def index() @selected_account = selected_account if @selected_account response = request_campaigns_list() if response @campaigns =

Re: social settings

2013-08-29 Thread Takeshi Hagikura
Hi Aaron, That is not supported via the API. Best, - Takeshi, On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 5:38:28 PM UTC+1, Aaron wrote: > > Following up with the same question; we know turning off the Social > Settings: +1 option for Display Network campaigns is available in the > AdWords UI, but is it a

Strange SelectorError.START_INDEX_IS_TOO_HIGH

2013-08-29 Thread Dorian Kind
Hi all, since yesterday, we started to see SelectorError.START_INDEX_IS_TOO_HIGH errors when fetching all AdParams for a given campaign, even though there are more AdParams existing. These errors usually start appearing at an offset of around 12. The campaign in question currently has 148124

Re: Dynamic Search Ads missing in Ad Performance Report

2013-08-29 Thread Takeshi Hagikura (AdWords API Team)
There are two reports that pull stats about Dynamic Search Ads. Keywordless category reportand Keywordless query report . Can

Re: Use test accounts since developer token is "pending approval" for 4 weeks

2013-08-29 Thread yfeng
Thanks Anash, I already have 2 accounts under my MCC, one is an existing site which is currently running and advertising through adwords user interface. The other one is the Test Account I recently applied, for this account, I want to advertising through adwords API. Writing java code and then

Re: Inconsistency between SOAP service and ad-hoc reporting

2013-08-29 Thread Dorian Kind
If anyone else stumbles upon this, the described behavior is still in effect. Any attributes that start with a hyphen are prepended with a space character in CSV reports. Workaround is to simply trim the values, as (to the best of my knowledge) attributes cannot start with a space. On Wednesda

Re: Service account via Java client getting "access_denied"

2013-08-29 Thread Takeshi Hagikura (AdWords API Team)
Hi, First, does your application needs impersonation? If all you want to do is having access to client accounts under an MCC, then how about using other authentication (installed application or web flow)? Either way, once you store a refresh token, there'll be no human interactions like servi


2013-08-29 Thread Martin Samm
Anash - thats working now with all the Test MCC credentials but with a Production MCC developerToken. Thanks Martin On Wednesday, August 28, 2013 9:50:34 PM UTC+1, Martin Samm wrote: > > i've create an MCC Test Account (737-267-4583) and found my developer > token (pending approval) clientCust

Account herachy

2013-08-29 Thread Alex
The fallowing script is taking getting all the client from a MCC account, what I should add in order to get the client children? class Account < ActiveRecord::Base attr_reader :customer_id, :login, :company_name, :child_accounts attr_accessor :parent def initialize(api_account) @custome

Account hierarchy

2013-08-29 Thread Alex
The fallowing script is getting all the client from a MCC account, what I should add in order to get the clients children's? class Account < ActiveRecord::Base attr_reader :customer_id, :login, :company_name, :child_accounts attr_accessor :parent def initialize(api_account) @customer_id

When will AttributeValues in PLACEHOLDER_FEED_ITEM_REPORT be fixed?

2013-08-29 Thread HK
Hi, David Torres mentioned in this thread with regards to the PLACEHOLDER_FEED_ITEM_REPORT that... "please do not rely on this AttributeValues and its format at the moment" well as

Re: QuotaCheckError.INCOMPLETE_SIGNUP on test account, after accepting T&C and setting up billing

2013-08-29 Thread Dorin Rosenshine
Thanks for the reply, can you clarify what kind of calls qualify as MCC-related? Also, I thought I could use test accounts while my real account's token is being approved, per On Thursday, August 29, 2013 4:33:41 AM UTC-4, Anash P. Oo

Cross account conversion tracking

2013-08-29 Thread GregT
Hi, With the recent announcement of the support of cross account conversion tracking, I have a couple questions: 1. If an account is set up to use a parent MCC's conversion tracking rather than its own, when ConversionTrackerService is called for that account, will it list those conv

Re: Unable to get OAuth 2.0 refresh_token with GetRefreshToken.php

2013-08-29 Thread yuhao feng
Hi Ewan, I did try using OAuth playground to generate token, however it didn't work so well. I use the token I got from the Playground in my java code, it didn't response. My situation is very strange, I'm using Eclipse+Maven to code for adwords API, but until now i couldn't get a OAuth token

Quality Score more closely to its three key sub factors

2013-08-29 Thread Anil Vadhavane
Hi, Using Keyword Performance Report we get Quality Score for each keyword through API. Quality Score more closely to its three key sub factors -- expected clickthrough rate , ad relevance ,