Re: RelativeCTR not available in Account Performance reports?

2013-03-17 Thread Paul Matthews (AdWords API Team)
Hi Zweitze, I can confirm that it does not exist in that report. I'm looking into the for working out the RelativeCTR for a given account and will get back to you as soon as I have more information. Regards, - Paul, AdW

Re: Retrieve Search Query Performance Report (SEARCH_QUERY_PERFORMANCE_REPORT)

2013-03-17 Thread Paul Matthews (AdWords API Team)
Hi Sahar, The DownloadDefinedReportExample.php example is an example for the deprecated v201206 version of the API. We strongly recommend you consider using the DownloadCriteriaReportWithAwql.php

Re: When I run my script to download client csv files, It's give me error like " Failed to get authToken. Reason: BadAuthentication "

2013-03-17 Thread Paul Matthews (AdWords API Team)
Hi Sana, Firstly, can you ensure you're using the latest version of the client library? The current version is v4.1.1and can be downloaded here