Re: some CampaignCriterion is empty

2012-09-20 Thread AdWordsAPIAdvisor
Hello Jonathan, Not yet unfortunately. I will update this thread as soon as I have any news. -Danial, AdWords API Team. Original Message Follows: From: Jonathan Doire Subject: Re: some CampaignCriterion is empty Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2012 05:08:02 -0700 (PDT) > Any upda

Re: Support for bidMultiplier with Criterion Type AdSchedule

2012-09-20 Thread AdWordsAPIAdvisor
Hello Shweta, The BidMultiplier was used withing CampaignTargetService. While migrating to the CampaignCriteriaService the existing properly was re-used to avoid duplication. -Danial, AdWords API Team. Original Message Follows: From: shweta Subject: Re: Support for b

Re: Change History Data

2012-09-20 Thread AdWordsAPIAdvisor
Hello Chirag, When requesting the changes, you need to specify a date range. If multiple changes happened withing the date range, only one update event would be returned. This is because the service was designed for synchronization, not audit, and returns the objects that need to be 'refreshed

Re: What is AccountId in Account Report?

2012-09-20 Thread Oliver
Hi Kevin, Going back to this question, the AccountId I was referring to in the Account Report is also a field that is included in a lot of other reports. e.g. a Campaign report will have an AccountId to link that campaign to an account. If we stop using it then there is no way to link any ent

SET AdExtensions?

2012-09-20 Thread Adam Cunnington
Hi, I feel the docs are a little unclear on this issue. Is it possible to SET the status of an AdExtension (i.e. force "ACTIVE" or "DELETED" manually). doesn't state that you can't or

Re: Change History Data

2012-09-20 Thread Chirag
Hello Danial, Yes,I am giving date range of one week from monday to sunday. What i am understood from your reply is that, If user changes one keyword from active to pause and than again same keyword from pause to active and than if i changed its Mac cpc or bid between some date-range. For this

Re: What is AccountId in Account Report?

2012-09-20 Thread Kevin Winter
Hi Oliver, You are correct in that if you only look at the data in the report it's not possible to differentiate data from one account to another without the AccountId. However, when you download the report, you are required to specify a clientCustomerId. We recommend storing this ID along w

Re: Adwords API - Upgrading to V201206 and OAuth

2012-09-20 Thread Nakul Ringshia
Thanks Kevin I tried setting the ClientCustomerId in the request header and that worked!!!. I think using this approach makes sense (there's still some work that I will need to do - calling the managed service account to get the client id based on the email). One key factor that will determin

Re: SET AdExtensions?

2012-09-20 Thread Adam Cunnington
bump! -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog and discussion group: =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google G

Re: Adwords API - Upgrading to V201206 and OAuth

2012-09-20 Thread Kevin Winter
Hi Alexander, Unfortunately, another team manages ClientLogin, so I can't speak with authority. Here's the blog post announcing the deprecation: We'll probably provide support in the AdWords API until so

StartDate and EndDate for ad in AdStats?

2012-09-20 Thread Yulong Yang
Hi all, I am currently trying to fetch all fields listed herein AdStats for ad in sandbox. I am using python client library. All fields could be retrieved by following selector using ad groupd ad service

How to create vertical under CampaignCriterion

2012-09-20 Thread Kalpana Prakasam
I am trying to include vertical undr my campaign. But I couldn't able to create it under CampaignCriterion, while doing this It always shows "criterionError: CANNOT_ADD_CRITERION_TYPE". This is my code snippet CampaignCriterionServiceInterface campaignCriterionService = getCampaignCriterionSer