Re: Approved AdWords API developer token is now "Rejeted" - PLEASE HELP!

2011-09-19 Thread Justin
Hi Will As I've mentioned elsewhere, Wordtracker also has an API of keyword data: It gives much better long tail results (for the US/UK) than either Google or SEMRush. I hope that's useful. Kind regards Justin On Sep 17, 8:17 pm, Will Spencer wrote: > Keesjan: > > I a

Re: Developer token pending approval for 3 weeks

2011-09-19 Thread Registrations Aggregate
Hi Kevin, Thank you for your reply. On the same day as your reply we got a request from the adwords api team for further information on our application, which we supplied. Two days later we got the api key. Status: approved :) Three days later however, our status was reverted to "rejected", with

About google adwords sandbox

2011-09-19 Thread Devin Yee
Hello everyone, I'm feel doubt about google adwords sandbox using php sdk. Edit auth.ini as following: email = "" password = "x" userAgent = "Just a test" applicationToken = "ignored" developerToken = "yingxbin@gmail++USD" ; Uncomment to make requests against a client accoun

Re: Approved AdWords API developer token is now "Rejeted" - PLEASE HELP!

2011-09-19 Thread aengland
FYI, our API token was reactivated over the weekend. We followed the instructions on the post to apply for reactivation. On Sep 19, 5:22 am, Justin wrote: > Hi Will > > As I've mentioned elsewhere, Wordtracker also has an API of keyword > > > It gives much better lon

Re: Approved AdWords API developer token is now "Rejeted" - PLEASE HELP!

2011-09-19 Thread keesjan
Thats great news for you. I also read on that one client was TopTenWholesale was given more time: "So far, at least one API developer — Jason Prescott of TopTe

Re: Developer token pending approval for 3 weeks

2011-09-19 Thread Kevin Winter
Hi Marcel, Please follow the steps listed in this post:!topic/adwords-api/BXyV40LfEEI - Kevin Winter AdWords API Team -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog and discussion group: http://grou


2011-09-19 Thread Kevin Winter
Hi, That error message is usually a temporary one. If you try it again, do you still receive this error? Did the campaigns get created? Are you using partial failures? The sandbox is intended to test your code to see if it functions correctly with the API. It's limits on the number of cam

Re: MCC Billing and Liability

2011-09-19 Thread Kevin Winter
Hi, You might want to ask in the general AdWords support forum regarding the billing issues. It usually depends on how billing is set up, but generally API charges are separate from charges for clicks, even if they are billed under the same MCC. You can use the InfoService to discover how ma

Re: limits length keyword campaign etc length utf8 unicode

2011-09-19 Thread Kevin Winter
Hi Tim, We've recently updated the help article linked off this page to clarify that the characters are double-width and not double-byte (since single-width characters can be multiple bytes): The determination is made based

Re: Soap Error

2011-09-19 Thread Kevin Winter
Hi, Could you turn on full logging of SOAP messages and requests and include a full stacktrace? As far as the memory consumption, what types of objects are you keeping around? For example, when one runs a code example, the objects pass out of scope when the script ends and then the interpret

Re: Phone validation

2011-09-19 Thread Kevin Winter
Hi, A quick google search found this blog post which discusses validating and normalizing phone numbers using regular expressions: - Kevin Winter AdWords API Team -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on

Re: how to get exact keyword search results

2011-09-19 Thread Kevin Winter
Hi, For services that do not use generic selectors, you need to sort them in the application code. - Kevin Winter AdWords API Team -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog and discussion group:


2011-09-19 Thread VP
Hi, I am trying to filter the result of AdGroup by campaignId. The code worked when no filter is added but when I add predicate I got a Missing_predicate_operator error in run time. I stepped through the code and I can see clearly the prediate field is EQUALS. Here is the exception: ex = {"[S

Re: Does it Cost to Integrate into a software for Adwords API for Keyword Research

2011-09-19 Thread Kevin Winter
Hi, The rate sheet for API usage is here: The TargetingIdeaService is used for keyword research. You might also want to review the AdWords API Terms and Conditions: - Kevin Winter AdW

Re: Rounding of conversion value in Keyword and Search Query Performance reports

2011-09-19 Thread Kevin Winter
Hi Greg, The v201101 version of reports addressed a number of shortcomings of the old v13 reports. As a result, some of the behavior may be different. Regarding bugs, we recommend comparing the UI report behavior to the API report behavior - if the two do not agree, we should either have it

Re: v201101 cross client report

2011-09-19 Thread Kevin Winter
Hi, Unfortunately, we do not have any new information at this time regarding cross-client reports. - Kevin Winter AdWords API Team -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog and discussion group:

Re: Trying to access Google Adwords Sandbox API

2011-09-19 Thread Kevin Winter
Hi, According to the jquery documentation, when you use GET as the method type, it appends the data to the URL and specifies a callback ( The AdWords API unfortunately does not support jsonp requests, so this will not work. I'd suggest taking a look at the

Re: Setting MaxCpc and ad at keyword level

2011-09-19 Thread Kevin Winter
Hi Joseph, The AdGroupCriterionService allows you to create a BiddableAdGroupCriterion for which you can specify bids at the Criterion level (i.e. keyword): - Kevin Winter AdWords A

Re: Live Feed - Getting click data downloaded from Adwords?

2011-09-19 Thread Kevin Winter
Hi, There is no automated way to do this. You'd have to write an application to use the API to request this data. Requesting the data every ten minutes could potentially use a large number of units. - Kevin Winter AdWords API Team -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also fi


2011-09-19 Thread Kevin Winter
Hi, The sandbox is intended to test code to ensure it functions. It does not have as many resources or logging as the production environment and is not intended for load testing. If you encounter this issue in the production environment, please let us know. - Kevin Winter AdWords API Team

Re: can't disable an ImageAd (mediaId required?)

2011-09-19 Thread Kevin Winter
Hi, What Eric meant was that you should only provide an Ad object ( in the Ad field of the AdGroupAd object. If the Ad feed of the AdGroupAd is populated with a specific type of Ad (as it is when you retrieve


2011-09-19 Thread VP
Ok found the fix. need to add campaignPredicate.operatorSpecified = true; On Sep 19, 11:30 am, VP wrote: > Hi, > I am trying to filter the result of AdGroup by campaignId. The code worked > when no filter is added but when I add predicate I got a > Missing_predicate_operator error in run time. >

Re: Rounding of conversion value in Keyword and Search Query Performance reports

2011-09-19 Thread GregT
Hi, Keven. Thanks for responding. As for whether or not the UI behavior matches the API, I guess the answer is yes, although it makes it harder for us to match the UI. :) The conversion values for the individual keywords and ad groups are indeed shown as rounded in the UI in the same way as

QPS error

2011-09-19 Thread webspade
Hi, The link below states that theres a QPS rate limit on API calls. One of the proposed remedies for the problem is packing in many requests in a single call. This is not always possible. For e.g. with the Targeting

How would I get the Report Status

2011-09-19 Thread mahdi pedram
For reporting, For single-client requests, processing is synchronous so. is there a way that we can determine whether the report is ready or not. in the documentaiton says it takes only a few seconds to generate. this functionality was exposed in V13 ( ReportInterface getReportJobStatus ). so I

Re: QPS error

2011-09-19 Thread webspade
Some clarification; by "are people using multi-threaded code to hit the API with the same developer credentials?" I meant all the threads making requests using the same dev creds. -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog and discussion group: http://adwords


2011-09-19 Thread Anash P. Oommen
Hi, I guess you are not using the AdWords API .NET library, right? Cheers, Anash P. Oommen, AdWords API Advisor. -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog and discussion group: =~=~=~=~=

Re: How would I get the Report Status

2011-09-19 Thread Anash P. Oommen
Hi Mahdi, Since the report processing is synchronous for single-client requests, they are generated only when you make the call, and the call returns only when the report is ready for download. So it is not possible to make a call just to find out if the report is ready or not. Cheers, Anash P

Re: QPS error

2011-09-19 Thread Anash P. Oommen
Hi, It is possible to make multiple calls in parallel using the same devtoken. While there is a check on the QPS limit, it is not fixed and depends on various factors including the server load. I'd recommend reading this blog on RateExceeededError to get a better understanding about QPS limits

Re: Approved AdWords API developer token is now "Rejeted" - PLEASE HELP!

2011-09-19 Thread rayden
How can we get temp access to api? We wrote all descriptions and screenshots and no answer from Google. Anyone else got access back? Best regards, On Sep 19, 4:44 pm, keesjan wrote: > Thats great news for you. I also read > on