Re: estimateKeywordList returns 0 for everything

2010-05-28 Thread Riaan van der Linde
Hi Guys, Can anyone please point out what I am doing wrong here. Here is my code. Our developer token has been approved and we did complete the billing section of adwords so there are no holds on the account. try { // Get the service. TrafficEstimatorService

Polygon Targeting Error

2010-05-28 Thread Remya Mohan
Hi Google Adwords Team While doing Polygon Targeting , i got an error like this. *TargetError.POLYGON_TOO_FEW_VERTICES* I am defining a part of my code herewith $campaignId = '8053'; $geoTargetList = new GeoTargetList(); $geoTargetList->campaignId = $campaignId;

Re: Related to Get Placements By category name.

2010-05-28 Thread Anil
Thanks for your Reply... I have a small doubt. You have introduced new Term called "Vertical" under Criterion. What is Vertical? i have not seen vertical term in Double click exchange where i am able to see keywords and Placements. Can i use "AdGroupCriterionService" in V201003 Version to get site

Re: Why do mutate operations automatically return list of modified objects?

2010-05-28 Thread dshevnock
Eric - Any follow up on this suggestion? Dan On Apr 14, 3:42 pm, AdWords API Advisor wrote: > Hi, > > Thank you for the explanation and suggestion.  I'll bring this up with > the core engineering team and see what they think of the idea. > > Best, > - Eric > > On Apr 14, 1:55 pm,dshevnock wrote

API Unit Cost?

2010-05-28 Thread
Hi Guys, I seem to be chewing up 4 or more API units per invocation of my below script. I'm confused because I'm only doing one get request to the targetingIdeaService, which according to the published rate sheet should only cost me 1 API unit. Here's an excerpt of the code: $targetingIdeaServ

Help Please: No service named AdGroupAdServiceInterfacePort is available

2010-05-28 Thread Chris Kujawa
Good morning all! I am at a loss as to why I am seeing the above error. The "offending" code is: AdGroupAdServiceInterface service = null; try { service = user .getService( AdW

Re: Pull keywords from existing adgroup / campaign via API?

2010-05-28 Thread destUK
Brilliant - thanks Eric, I'll get my devs on to this... On May 26, 3:30 pm, AdWords API Advisor wrote: > Hi, > > You can use the AdGroupCriterionService to get() the keywords in your > static campaign and then add them to your dynamic campaign using > mutate(ADD). > >

Re: v201003 beta , ReportDefinitionService- Structure report not included ?

2010-05-28 Thread Alex Parij
Any contact at google where I can get these questions answered ? On May 26, 3:49 pm, Clay wrote: > More generally, how do we keep our list of accounts/campaigns/adgroups/ > ad/keywords in sync with yours in the new API?  In the past, it hasn't > been feasible to do this via individual API calls.

Re: v201003 ReportDefinitionService - Cross-client reports are not supported?

2010-05-28 Thread Christian Krahn
Thanks for the positive response :-) - Christian On 27 Mai, 21:28, AdWords API Advisor wrote: > Hi All, > > Cross-client reports are not available in the v201003 > ReportDefinitionService beta.  We plan to support cross-client reports > in the future, and the v13 ReportService will not be sunset

Re: API unit count, strange result

2010-05-28 Thread Hervé
hi Eric ! do you have some news? thanks On 17 mai, 20:14, AdWords API Advisor wrote: > Hi, > > Thank you for brining this problem to our attention.  I'll forward > this information on to the core engineering team and let you know when > I have more information. > > Best, > - Eric Koleda, AdWord

SOAP/ did not return a true value at (eval 93) line 3.

2010-05-28 Thread JohnW2G
Getting a compilation error while attempting to test the API in a Perl environment: I have downloaded and installed the latest library package: awapi_perl_lib_1.3.2.tar.gz I have downloaded and installed the latest version of the SOAP WSDL module:

addition info re: new features in version v201003?

2010-05-28 Thread t
Does anyone know where I can find additional information (besides the short desc) regarding the new features in version v201003?

Re: v201003 beta , ReportDefinitionService- Structure report not included ?

2010-05-28 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hi All, The v201003 ReportDefinitionService beta doesn't include an AccountStructure report. However, the new reports by default include zero-impression rows for keywords, ad groups, etc, which allows you to get the account structure data using the performance reports. As for the report fields,

Re: estimateKeywordList returns 0 for everything

2010-05-28 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hi Riaan, Please ensure that you are making your request against the production API servers and not the sandbox. Also, what keywords are you using? Obscure keywords may not have enough data available to generate a traffic estimate. Best, - Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team On May 28, 7:38 am, Riaan

Re: Reporting::Change History

2010-05-28 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hi Suraj, Unfortunately change history is not available in the AdWords API. Best, - Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team On May 27, 1:20 pm, Suraj Khakurel wrote: > Hi, > > Is there any way to get Adwods -> Reporting -> Change History through the > Adwords API  from ReportService V13 or  from the new

Re: Sign up for Adwords API center

2010-05-28 Thread RobertPhoenix
I'm not perfectly sure what you are asking, but here is what I did. I created an MCC account, and by default (apparently) it came up with the old interface. I then linked to an existing account (possibly because I couldn't see the Adwords API menu item at that time, or possibly because there was

Re: addition info re: new features in version v201003?

2010-05-28 Thread Alex Parij (Also check the left side bar for full description) Alexander Parij On May 28, 12:27 pm, t wrote: > Does anyone know where I can find additional information (besides the > short desc) regarding the new features in version v201003

Re: v201003 beta , ReportDefinitionService- Structure report not included ?

2010-05-28 Thread Alex Parij
Thanks Eric ! I just hope that the KeywordIsNegative field from AccountStructure is included in v2010 otherwise Keyword Performance is not fully replacing AccountStructure. On May 28, 12:39 pm, AdWords API Advisor wrote: > Hi All, > > The v201003 ReportDefinitionService beta doesn't include an

Re: v201003 beta

2010-05-28 Thread Alex Parij
What about these question ? Thanks. On May 26, 4:59 pm, Alex Parij wrote: > Hi , > > I have couple of question regarding the new api and specifically > ReportDefinitionService : > > 1) Beta version means the API will change significantly when it will > be out beta ? Is it just less tested versio

Re: Getting stats for seed keyword

2010-05-28 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hi Jeff, The seed keyword will usually be returned in the list of ideas, although it may be far from the top of the list. You can request just the stats of your seed keywords using the requestType STATS:

Re: Help on Billing details

2010-05-28 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hi Robert, You can use the API to get stats about your campaigns, which include cost information. When using the CampaignSelector, ensure you populate the statsSelector field using a start and end date.

Re: authToken is missing in SoapHeader

2010-05-28 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hi Louis, As far as I can tell, you are facing a combination of a mis-configured library and a library bug. Here's what's triggering the exception: - Somehow, the app.config is still mis-configured, so Email and Password defaults to empty strings - So Authtoken also defaults to null - Since Autht

Java Heap Space - CampaignSelector, AdGroupAdSelector, AdGroupSelector, AdGroupCriterionSelector

2010-05-28 Thread Inah from Brazil
Hello everybody! We're trying to get all campaigns, adGroups, ads and keywords that already exist in Adwords. But we are having problems with Java Heap Space when we try to do communication with the the Google API. We just do ONE request for a list returning the entities found, but we could notice

Re: Polygon Targeting Error

2010-05-28 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hi Remya, A PolygonTarget required at least 3 vertices (to form a triangle). In your code you are only specifying one vertice, which is a point. Best, - Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team On May 28, 7:41 am, Remya Mohan wrote: > Hi Google Adwords Team > > While doing Polygon Targeting , i got an er

Re: Related to Get Placements By category name.

2010-05-28 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hi Anil, The definition of Vertical that you listed is correct, it allows you to target or exclude certain placement types from a campaign or ad group. However, support for verticals (or Content Categories) is not yet available in the TargetingIdeaService. Best, - Eric On May 28, 7:41 am, Anil

Re: API Unit Cost?

2010-05-28 Thread
Please... I could really do with some help here from google support. Yesterday I used the below script to research LSV on 50,000 keywords. This translated to 285,168 billable quota units or £49.49? How can this be? As far as I can work out, I should only have been charged 50 API units (50,000 quo