I'm also receiving errors when I attempt to query changes within an account
(change_event). The following errors are returned.
_InactiveRpcError: <_InactiveRpcError of RPC that terminated with:
status = StatusCode.INTERNAL
details = "Internal error encountered."
debug_error_string = "
Thanks for bringing this issue to our attention. The team is actively working
on a fix to address this.
Thanks again for your patience. I will get back to this message thread once I
have an update.
This message is in relation to case "ref:!00D1U01174p.!5004Q02rz6B3:ref"
Google Ad
Thank you for reaching out to the Google Ads API support team.
After reviewing your concern, I understand that you are encountering the
"INTERNAL_ERROR" while trying to fetch data using the queries via the Google
Ads API searchStream method.
Kindly note that the INTERNAL_ERROR occurs when
We've also been dealing with this same error when querying user_interest
for the past 2 days. Prior to that our data pipelines that were extracting
from this endpoint were just fine.
Request: customer_id: "7219273531" query:
I am using below query to get user interests but since yesterday it is
returning "Internal error occurred."