Re: reported Gender/AgeRange state is inconsistent with Adwords UI

2017-02-09 Thread 'Nadine Sundquist (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Greetings! The Status field of the *Gender Performance Report* does not perfectly line up with the Status in the API. It has a different meaning in the API than it does the UI. What confuses use

Re: reported Gender/AgeRange state is inconsistent with Adwords UI

2017-02-09 Thread cv
Hello Nadine, I have same question, but I am not getting you properly. - In the API, *REMOVED* means that the criterion was removed or has not been added. -> I am seeing that criteria was added and I can see Data under the UI as Status as active. So what do you mean by criterion was remo

Re: reported Gender/AgeRange state is inconsistent with Adwords UI

2015-06-24 Thread Nadine Sundquist (AdWords API Team)
Hello Salman, Here's an update based on talking to some of the API engineers. The status field in the reporting API represents slightly different data than in the UI. - In the AdWords user interface, *REMOVED* means that your ads won't serve there. - In the API, *REMOVED* means that

Re: reported Gender/AgeRange state is inconsistent with Adwords UI

2015-05-25 Thread Salman Hoseini
Ok thanks for the update. On Friday, May 22, 2015 at 6:31:58 PM UTC-4, Nadine Sundquist (AdWords API Team) wrote: > > Hi Salman, > > Yes, that is the correct field for getting the criterion status. Based on > the current state of your account, it looks like it should be reporting > back ENABLED

Re: reported Gender/AgeRange state is inconsistent with Adwords UI

2015-05-22 Thread Nadine Sundquist (AdWords API Team)
Hi Salman, Yes, that is the correct field for getting the criterion status. Based on the current state of your account, it looks like it should be reporting back ENABLED. Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I'll have someone take a look into it. Cheers, Nadine, AdWords API Team On Frid

reported Gender/AgeRange state is inconsistent with Adwords UI

2015-05-22 Thread Salman Hoseini
Hello, I send a request to get Gender/AgeRange performance report but the reported status for the criteria is inconsistent with what I can see in AdWords UI my request is: "> Id AdGroupName Impressions Clicks Cost