Re: extreme slowness in API responses

2017-11-13 Thread 'Sreelakshmi Sasidharan (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hi, Are you still facing latency issues while running reports via the API? I was able to test this AWQL against your account and the results came back in a few seconds. Also, are you observing this issue for other API services? From the error that you shared, it looks like an issue with your

extreme slowness in API responses

2017-11-13 Thread anindacilingirciyizbiz
Hi all, all API requests for us is taking longer than 30 seconds and usually more than 5 minutes. Anybody else having the same problem? I thought we are hitting 1000 report download limit but we are not getting RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEEDED error. The following is a sample script that wasn't finished

Extreme slowness in API responses (>1minute)

2017-11-13 Thread anindacilingirciyizbiz
Hi, Our custom webapp that uses adwords api is basically useless now because AdWords API requests are taking longer than max timeout of the http request so we are getting "Gateway Timeout" error. Anybody having the same problem? For instance simple report download shown below wasn't completed