I'm not sure if what you're asking for can be done. If a PLA has zero
impressions, then it also has zero clicks and its click-type in
indeterminate, so it makes sense to exclude these zero impression PLAs from
the report.
On Friday, February 14, 2014 10:18:02 AM UTC-5, dsr wrote:
> Dropping
Dropping either the filter or column click type in report gives me zero
impressions for all click types, But, I would like to have zero impressions
just for PRODUCT_LISTING_AD_CLICKS,... Is there a way where I can fetch
zero impressions just for the particular click type?
On Friday, February 1
If you drop click type, you'll get zero impressions.
On Thursday, February 13, 2014 1:15:41 PM UTC-5, dsr wrote:
> Hi,
> Can you please let us know how to fetch zero impression data for product
> listing ads?
> We are trying to retrieve PLA performance data from Criteria Performance
> Repor
Can you please let us know how to fetch zero impression data for product
listing ads?
We are trying to retrieve PLA performance data from Criteria Performance
Report for criteria type = Product, and click type = PRODUCT_LISTING_AD_CLICKS.
but We do need to get zero impression data to perfo