Thanks for the example. I've been able to replicate the issue, and
I'll work with the core engineering team to resolve the underlying
issue. In the mean time the only work around is to use the
IdeaTextMatchesSearchParameter available in v201003+.
- Eric
On Oct 11, 11:23 am, Serge_Lap
Hi Eric, thanks for your response,
My remaining issue seems to be the one regarding the use of the
NgramGroupsSearchParameter (v200909), in order to exclude synonyms
from the results :-
string[] keywords = new string[1];
keywords[0] = "diet coke";
The problem with the KeywordMatchTypeSearchParameter has been resolved
and you should now see the correct behavior when using this
parameter. Starting in v201003 the NgramGroupsSearchParameter was
replaced by the IdeaTextMatchesSearchParameter:
I have recently completed the development of an internal tool
(using version 8.0.0 of the .NET client library and the v200909
classes). The tool takes in keyword(s), language, country and match
type (broad, exact or phrase), and displays the results to the user.
Initially (about a month