Hi Anash
Thanks for your reply.
I tried using XStream, But it seems that while serializing an object,
it doesn't take the inharitance into account.
eg. While serializing the AdGroupCriterion type of object, it doesn't
check which Typeof Criterion it contains.
the result is - I don't get the Keywor
Hi Panks,
If I remember correctly, all stub classes in the client library are marked
as serializable. Also, couldn't you use a library like
http://xstream.codehaus.org/ to achieve this?
Anash P. Oommen,
AdWords API Advisor.
Also find
I am using Adwords Java APIs. My requirement is to dump the Network
objects (campain, Keywords - Page) into xml file. I am trying hard to
use getSerialize method available.
public static org.apache.axis.encoding.Serializer getSerializer(
java.lang.String mechType,