;>> On Thursday, August 21, 2014 1:39:04 AM UTC-4, Ads Developer wrote:
>>>>> Hi Team,
>>>>> I am using AdGroupCriterionServiceInterface to fetch the data related
>>>>> to Product Partition.
riterionServiceInterface to fetch the data related
>>>> to Product Partition.
>>>> I was able to retrieve the following information
>>>> getPartitionType: UNIT
>>>> getProductDimension
lowing information
>>> getPartitionType: UNIT
>>> getProductDimensionType: ProductCustomAttribute
>>> getCaseValue:com.google.api.ads.adwords.axis.v201402.cm.ProductCustomAttribute@adf58588
>>> getParentCriterionId:***
>>> getID:**
>> And I was able to link the nodes but I was not able to retrieve the
>> display value of the partition type.
>> I tried using ConstantDataServiceInterface to get the detailsbut i was
>> not able to get information u
> And I was able to link the nodes but I was not able to retrieve the
> display value of the partition type.
> I tried using ConstantDataServiceInterface to get the detailsbut i was not
> able to get information using the above ids.
> Please let me know what is the corre
using the above ids.
Please let me know what is the correct procedure to get the complete
product partition tree structure with display names and budget allocated as
it is shown in Adwords interface.
Thanks in advance
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