Please ensure that the PHP ini setting "arg_separator.output" is set
to "&". The next version of the library will include a fix to ensure
that this is always used.
- Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team
On Aug 26, 1:58 pm, Manhvu wrote:
> I have good config in file *.ini, I can use google a
I have good config in file *.ini, I can use google account to login
very easy. But you code don't run
On Aug 26, 7:00 pm, AdWords API Advisor
> Hi,
> You get a BadAuthentication error when you pass wrong email and
> password to the ClientLogin server.
> I had a look at the library sour
You get a BadAuthentication error when you pass wrong email and
password to the ClientLogin server.
I had a look at the library source code, seems like the method uses
$email and $password from AdWordsUser class.
Hi everyone,
I am beginning to develope tool for my company with google adword api,
but I have a message below
AuthTokenException Object ( [error:private] => BadAuthentication
[url:private] => [captchaToken:private] => [captchaUrl:private] =>
[message:protected] => Failed to get authToken. Reason