PLACEMENT_PERFORMANCE_REPORT is the right report, can you tell me the
account ID against which you are running the report and how your report
definition looks like. I'd be glad to investigate.
- David Torres - AdWords API Team
On Sunday, June 30, 2013 2:53:00 AM UTC-4, nf7588 wrote:
"measures fields" - clicks, cost, impression
yes, i meant we're using the placement performance report in order to get
the managed placements (got used to the old name).
so we seem to get any rows only if we are including "measures fields"
(clicks, cost...)
also - I was wondering: what is t
Can I ask what you mean by "measures fields"?
We've just converted our v201209 Managed placement performance report to
v201302 placement performance report and it's stopped returning any rows at
all where it previously did.
On Wednesday, June 26, 2013 8:48:20 AM UTC+1, nf7588 wrote:
> Hi,
We've noticed that if we don't include measures fields in request
for PLACEMENT PERFORMANCE REPORT - it returns with *empty rows*.
I read another post here that someone said he uses
CRITERIA_PERFORMANCE_REPORT and including "PLACEMENT" in the CriteriaType
to get the managed placements.