> > When running a bulk update on a number of adgroups I frequently come
> > across the following error, which will prevent me from running the
> > update for a minute or two, after which I can run it again without
> > changing anything
> > AdWords::Error::GoogleIn
wing error, which will prevent me from running the
> update for a minute or two, after which I can run it again without
> changing anything
> AdWords::Error::GoogleInternalError: mutate Call Failed:
> #
> Am I doing something wrong, or is there a way to avoid this?
When running a bulk update on a number of adgroups I frequently come
across the following error, which will prevent me from running the
update for a minute or two, after which I can run it again without
changing anything
AdWords::Error::GoogleInternalError: mutate Call Failed:
Am I doing