I ended up merging them in the update of our system, we do not
use .NET and instead use Java, but I'm sure .NET probably supports
similar functionality.
We do not merge Creative reports with Keywords, but we do merge
Keywords, ManagedPlacements, and AdGroup performance data.
This was done in our
Changing our database structure isn't an option right now. We really
need a single report comparable to the v13 Keyword Performance
Report. Was anyone able to merge the 3 reports together in .NET?
On Jul 29, 4:35 am, TJ wrote:
> We don't merge them. Instead, use each to write to the different
We don't merge them. Instead, use each to write to the different
tables in your db. We use the keyword performance table to populate
the keyword data. Ad performance report to populate the ad data & a
cost & conversion performance table. When querying to make a report or
a table, we use the unique
I'm sure lots of people have had issues with the Keyword Performance
Report missing information (like managed placement used, creative
used, etc.) It seems that the only solution that I've read on this
forum is that it is necessary to merge all 3 reports together...but
how? Just wanted some feedb