The API does not support targeting a proximity around your location
extensions *with an additional limitation on the location*. The only
location extension-related targeting that's supported is to target a
proximity around your location extensions with no additional limitations.
See lines
I am now getting this response having resolved the connection issue:
xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema";> https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/cm/v201502";>
Hi Danial,
I do not get this response back from any other request. We're doing quite a
few different types of requests with lots of different Adwords services and
none of them are returning this sort of response.
I used the example as a base to code against in the first place and as far
as I c
Hello Edward,
The error message is not directly related to the type of the operation you
are performing. Do you see the same error for other requests?
Also, see this library example:
I've been having a bit of difficulty with the new LocationExtensionOperand.
I want to be able to meet the requirement C.21 Set distance targeting.
My C# code looks like this:
var locationCriterion = new LocationGroups {
matchingFunction = new Function