Re: How to get list of all campaigns for a given customer Id.

2016-11-23 Thread 'Vishal Vinayak (Adwords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hi, There is no provision to pass an AdWords account ID in your selector. As explained in my previous response, all you need to get started is to define your 10 digit AdWords account ID as the *clientCustomerId* in your local properties file

Re: How to get list of all campaigns for a given customer Id.

2016-11-23 Thread ntdmbot01
I would like to fetch *all campaigns for a given account*.How to fetch account details i know, but how to fetch all the campaigns for a particular account I'm not getting. I would like to pass account Id and get the list of campaigns under that account. ihope my question is clear. Example: fo

Re: How to get list of all campaigns for a given customer Id.

2016-11-23 Thread ntdmbot01
Please let me know with an example in selector for campaign how to pass the clientCustomerId and fetch the values. in equals condition what need to be passed please let me know. // Create selector. SelectorBuilder builder = new SelectorBuilder(); Selector selector = builder .fields(C

Re: How to get list of all campaigns for a given customer Id.

2016-11-22 Thread 'Vishal Vinayak (Adwords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hi, In order to fetch data from a particular account, please ensure that the 10 digit AdWords account ID for that account is defined against the property *clientCustomerId* in your properties file. As an example, if you use the Java client library, you would need to define the relevant account

How to get list of all campaigns for a given customer Id.

2016-11-22 Thread ntdmbot01
Hi, I'm using CampaignField in selector to fetch campaign details, I would like to fetch campaigns only for a given account. how to validate this in selector equals method. -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog and Google+: https://googleadsdeveloper