Re: How to filter trial campaigns

2017-10-03 Thread 'Bharani Cherukuri (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hello, >From what I understand, you're trying to filter the campaigns by trying to compare the values of two fields (CampaignId and baseCampaignId) in a single predicate. I'm afraid its not possible to use predicates in this manner. To filter for standalone campaigns, you need to add a predica

Re: How to filter trial campaigns

2017-10-02 Thread 'Bharani Cherukuri (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hello, If you're using the services to retrieve the campaign details, you can use the CampaignService . If you're using the API reports, you will be able to retrieve the experiment reports like the usual campaig

How to filter trial campaigns

2017-10-02 Thread SP
Hi! I'm using this google adwords api version: v201705 I need to filter the trial (experiments) campigns to be able to retreive only the standalone campaings, i'm trying using SelectorBuilder.equals operation with something like this: equals(Campaign.Id, Campaign.baseCampaignId) but with that