Re: Got an error while connectin Adwords and SeoToolsforExcel

2018-06-19 Thread 'Milind Sankeshware (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Joao, Could you please enable the logging and share the complete SOAP request and response for *Costumer_Not_Found* error so that I can troubleshoot the issue? Please refer this Java guide to enable the logs. The guid

Got an error while connectin Adwords and SeoToolsforExcel

2018-06-19 Thread Joao Carpio
Hi, I've been trying for about a week now trying to connect the company's adword mcc account with SeoToolsforExcel, however i keep getting this error whenever I try it. Costumer_Not_Found, while doing some research I found this " No account found for the customer ID provided in the header", but