If this problem persists, please send me privately some examples and exact
details, and I'll look into it.
Nadine, AdWords API Team
On Wednesday, May 27, 2015 at 12:23:48 AM UTC-7, anirud...@deltax.com wrote:
> Hey,
> I tried downloading the reports again but there is still a sl
I tried downloading the reports again but there is still a slight mismatch
in number of clicks. This is essential as Cost also varies depending on
clicks. The number varies depending on the size of the account.
On Tuesday, May 26, 2015 at 10:23:46 PM UTC+5:30, Nadine Sundquist (AdWords
Due to a temporary issue, automated reports downloads in AdWords
incorrectly reported certain stats between Thursday, 21 May 2015 12:52 PM
and Saturday, 23 May 2015 12:22 AM Pacific Daylight Time. The issue has now
been fixed, and you will see correct stats if you download those reports
Im am using google adwords api Ad Performance report to get ad stats but
all the recent days (up to 3 days before current date) have a data mismatch
by a few clicks to a hundred compared to the adwords interface. Anything
filtering by campaigns ids,
include zero impressions : fal