Re: Error removing ShareSet

2016-11-22 Thread 'Thanet Knack Praneenararat (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hello Ian, SharedSetService returns only *referenceCount* in the specified client customer ID only. Your manager account (223-833-0176) has shared the negative keyword list to the client customer ID 610-370-7004 and 558-733-1832 as well. Could you please check those two accounts and remove the

Re: Error removing ShareSet

2016-11-16 Thread 'Shwetha Vastrad (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hi Ian, Could you provide the SOAP XML request and response logs for these operations? The response from SharedCriterionService and CampaignSharedSetService

Error removing ShareSet

2016-11-16 Thread Ian Broadhead
Hi, For the last few days, we are getting expecting error while trying to remove a shareset : SharedSetError.SHARED_SET_IN_USE @ operations[0].operand.sharedSetId. I guess that this error is raising because the shareshet is attached to a campaign. But, the previous step in our program is t