Re: Create Ad for Adgroup in a "Display Network only" Campaign

2017-06-29 Thread 'Shwetha Vastrad (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hi Prashant, The Ad types supported in AdWords API are listed here . Template Ads can be used to create Ads in formats other tha

Re: Create Ad for Adgroup in a "Display Network only" Campaign

2017-06-29 Thread rcardstest
Hi Shwetha, Is there any API which can be used to create Dynamic Display Ads ? My Requirement is, I just want an image ad Placeholder for displaying item from my feed List which I added through API. I want to create entire campaign using API without manual intervention. (Note : Ad in the campa

Re: Create Ad for Adgroup in a "Display Network only" Campaign

2017-06-26 Thread 'Shwetha Vastrad (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hi Pratik, The Ad types supported in AdWords API are listed here and the list of TemplateAds are provided here . You'll need to

Re: Create Ad for Adgroup in a "Display Network only" Campaign

2017-06-26 Thread 'Shwetha Vastrad (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hi Prashant, Please see my response below: 1. I see that the AdGroupId is changed to the PHP_INT_MAX value. I would suggest that you post this question in the library's issue tracker so they can help you out. 2. In v2017

Re: Create Ad for Adgroup in a "Display Network only" Campaign

2017-06-26 Thread rcardstest
Hi there, I used following code for adding Ad to a AdGroup. const AD_GROUP_ID = '46481580951'; public static function runExample(AdWordsServices $adWordsServices, AdWordsSession $session, $ad