Re: Correlating a call extension call with the generated GCLID

2017-03-08 Thread 'Sreelakshmi Sasidharan (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hi Chris, Unfortunately, it is not possible to map a GCLID to the corresponding call. With Click Performance Report , you will be able to map the GCLID to it's Ad

Re: Correlating a call extension call with the generated GCLID

2017-03-07 Thread Chris Hahn
Thanks Sreelakshmi for the response! Can you offer any suggestions about connecting individual calls to those GCLID records? I see how I would get the list of click performance records for a given day where the clicktype is "CALLS", and I could compare that to the list of calls that came into m

Re: Correlating a call extension call with the generated GCLID

2017-03-02 Thread 'Sreelakshmi Sasidharan (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hi Chris, Yes, the call extension click also will generate a GCLID. You can extract the stats for the GCLID by using the CLICK_PERFORMANCE report. You will need to look for the corresponding rows where

Correlating a call extension call with the generated GCLID

2017-03-02 Thread Chris Hahn
Hello, I've read in a few places that a call extension click/call also generates a GCLID record, since it's a click on an ad. Is there any mechanism that allows us to capture that GCLID to know more about the call after the fact? Something along the lines of a webhook that can be fired to a URL