Also seeing it with
However we dont see the issue with the reports portion of API
On Friday, August 21, 2015 at 1:15:28 AM UTC-5, Justin Coon wrote:
> We are again seeing this issue. It appears to be with
We are again seeing this issue. It appears to be
Is there a fix coming soon?
On Monday, August 3, 2015 at 10:48:57 AM UTC-5, Umesh Dengale wrote:
> Hello,
> The rateExceededError issue fix was deployed on 0
The rateExceededError issue fix was deployed on 07/30/2015 last week.
Please check, if the issue is resolved. If not, please let me know with as
much detail as possible (SOAP messages, specifically the request id, and
specific error messages).
Umesh, AdWords API Team.
In your API Adwords nothing happened last week ? We had yesterday in a
private office message "is consistent with the new rules in order to
continue to use Adwords api", we agree with that rules ... the day went ,
but the error remains ... it can be connected?
2015-07-31 21:30 GMT+03:00 Ume
Could you provide SOAP request and response logs? It will help us to look
into more details. Just click Reply privately to author in the forum when
responding. Don't forget to remove the developer token in the output.
Umesh, AdWords API Team.
Good afternoon.
The script , written by our programmer (who receives information about the
frequency of requests) previously worked normally. Now an error
Did you have to change the settings ?
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