The link can sometimes be missing (or display broken css) if there's an
extension enabled that may block assets.
For instance, the AdBlock Plus extension often blocks assets containing
AdWords in the name. Especially from Google IPs.
Can you try starting (a current version of) firefox in safe-m
I finally figured it out. The sign up page does not work if you try to open
it with Safari oder Firefox (both OS X). But it magically works with Google
Chrome. This is … weird, to say at least.
Am Dienstag, 4. Dezember 2012 08:57:23 UTC+1 schrieb Sergio Rossi:
> Hi Jeremy!
> Me too have experi
Hi Jeremy!
Me too have experienced the same broken page and do not understand how to
create an MCC account!
Are you then able to find the right page working?
Il giorno domenica 20 maggio 2012 14:44:54 UTC+2, Jeremy ha scritto:
> I'm trying to sign up to the MCC so that I can request Googl
You should be looking for a "My Client Center" tab in your account once you
have logged into your MCC account. If you can't find one, you are in a
normal AdWords account. If you can find one, then the API Center should be
available from My Account->AdWords API Center.
Anash P. Oomm
I too have created an AdWords account and have access to the MCC yet I do
not see "AdWords API Center" anywhere on any of the pages / menus I have
access to.
Would you be able to provide a quick screenshot of what I should be looking
Thank you
On Wednesday, May 23, 2012 12:21:18
Hi Jeremy,
If you have an MCC account, login to the MCC account and follow the
instructions on My Account->AdWords API Center to do the signup. If you
don't have an MCC account, create one at
I'm trying to sign up to the MCC so that I can request Google Adwords API
access and the form seems broken, showing no stylesheet and having limited
I'm assuming this is just temporary downtime and will be fixed... Any ideas?