Hi Eric, thanks for your help. I'm in business now. Didn't need to
app.config though.
Just put in the correct URLs for the various services in the
adwordsapi file. Localhost was hardcoded throughout.
Seems to be working now.
On Feb 12, 6:30 pm, AdWords API Advisor
> Hi David,
> In order
Hi David,
In order to use the library you need to setup your app.config
correctly. A sample file is included with the library:
- Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team
On Feb 12, 8:07 am, David wrote:
Didn't use app.config, just created a new adwordsUser with a
dictionary object directly passed in with account/token etc. I'm not
getting an incorrect login/access denied type of thing. I getting
'unable to connect to remote server' the target machine actively
refused the connection at 127...
Hi David,
I think you need to change some values on app.config file such as your
google account info and tokens.etc.
and you have to change the URL as well. I am using .net with c#,too. I
took a quick look this .net library, it can be your good reference,
but I won't take them into my project.