Hi Ajit, I think its a Ruby thing rather than an API thing. You're
1. making base_kwd an empty array, then you're
2. reassigning it to a new instance of Keyword. Then you
3. assign a new array containing only the last base_kwd (of type Keyword)
to related_search.keywords.
I think you
Hi Eric
related_search =
base_kwd = []
options[:keywords].each do |k|
base_kwd = @ti_srv.module::Keyword.new
base_kwd.text = k
base_kwd.matchType = 'BROAD'
related_search.keywords = [base_kwd]
Hi Ajit,
The Keyword.text field can only accept one value. Instead what you
should do is create multiple Keyword objects and pass them into the
field RelatedToKeywordSearchParameter.keywords as an array.
- Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team
On Feb 3, 12:59 pm, Ajit wrote:
> Hello All