Well, this works for Umlaute
äöüÄÖÜß8901234567890123456789012345 -> OK with '..' instead of
But it didn´t work with €.
goes to
Perhaps it is the limitation of the sandbox. I will try it in real.
Thank You so far.
Why are you using '€' instead of '€'?
- Jan
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Sorry, but the problem is not solved, as I thought.
New Test:
12345678901234567890123456789012345 works
ä2345678901234567890123456789012345 works not -> Error: New text ad
was not created due to the following policy violations: Detail: The
line is too wide.
APIlity is using exactly this in nusoap.php before sending the content
to the API:
$body = str_replace("€", "€", $body);
So I assume this work in real adwords. But it's strange it doesn't in
the sandbox environment. Perhaps there's something wrong with your
output? Just test it in production env
No, I just use the templates from google and nusoap as provided on
In the meantime, I have seen, that umlaute works fine, just the
doublbye euro-sign is
reducing the length of the fields according to the adword guidelines
for doublebyte characters.
That looks like PHP. Are you using APIlity?
- Jan
On 23 Sep., 23:04, ac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have solved the problem, that I can´t add ÄÖÜäöüß and € directly to
> text ads with this:
> $string = str_replace('Ä', 'Ä', $string);
> $string = str_replace('Ö', 'Ö', $strin