I tried to run some code that worked last week, and it is now failing
against the sandbox.
The error message is rather unhelpful: "Fault occurred while
Any ideas?
The operation was ADD a campaign.
Heres the debug dump, not sure what is missing. I am using SOAPpy
without client lib
*** Outgoing HTTP headers
POST /api/adwords/o/v200909/TargetingIdeaService HTTP/1.0
Host: adwords-sandbox.google.com
User-agent: SOAPpy 0.12.0 (http://pywebsvcs.sf.ne
I just tried a simple add campaigns and got this error,
"Fault occurred while processing"
Out Soap Message says
Fault occurred while processing.
Here is my soap resquest and response.
= Elapsed: 274 milliseconds
= In messag
I am a new adword user. I get the code from
First times that I run this script I get error, then I change request
xml follow the xml example and the error gone.
But,after I run the script again, I