> On May 11, 4:59 am, fwmadwords wrote:
> > I'm using the Ruby client library and trying to use the TargetingIdea
> > service. When I use the sandbox, I get some results back, but when I
> > use my production credentials, I get this error:
use the TargetingIdea
> service. When I use the sandbox, I get some results back, but when I
> use my production credentials, I get this error:
> AdWords::Error::GoogleInternalError: get Call Failed:
> #
> Here is my code:
> service = @adwords.service("TargetingId
I'm using the Ruby client library and trying to use the TargetingIdea
service. When I use the sandbox, I get some results back, but when I
use my production credentials, I get this error:
AdWords::Error::GoogleInternalError: get Call Failed:
Here is my code:
service = @adwords.se