Hi veseo,
v201101 report definitions should be available under Control panel and
library->Reports in the client account, whereas v13 Reports will be in
Reporting and Tools -> Reporting. If you still can't locate your report,
please post the report definition id or report id, and I can investiga
I continue to be unable to see API-created definitions in the interface. I
had been creating them, using the email account I use for all Adwords
operations (I use another for loging in the web-based interface), thus I
tried adding one definition with the same email I use to login to the
Hey Veseo -
In my experience the report definitions are in sync. I can create
definitions via the api and immediately see them via the web
interface. When I make an api request for all definitions, however,
not all the selector/predicate information is returned for definitions
created in the web in
Are the GUI and API synchronised in terms of Report definitions? Neither
API-created report definitions are shown in the GUI, nor GUI-created ones
are returned when getting all existing report definitions through the API.
One more question - how many days after the day has passed we can