i get msg from AdWords API Compliance
Dear Developer,
Your tool has been updated to reflect intended use. Approved for basic
access to Google AdWords API. Your tool can now make internal reporting api
but also get a AuthorizationError.SERVICE_ACCESS_DENIED err when trying to
make a
Google Ads API Compliance Team tell me that this application was approved
for basic access for App analytics and remarketing API on 05/04/2021, and
than i get back from Google Ads API Direct Support That why encountered
the AuthorizationError.SERVICE_ACCESS_DENIED error when i made calls to
thanks for you help,i can't understand what's wrong with my developer token
and i have reset this for hours ago,and i don't have anther product or api.
在2021年5月11日星期二 UTC+8 下午3:58:27 写道:
> Hi,
> I can see that you've already raised this concern to another forum post
> and my colleague h
thsanks for you help,i can't unstand what's worry with my developer token
and i have reset this for hours ago,and i don't have anther product or api.
在2021年5月11日星期二 UTC+8 下午3:58:27 写道:
> Hi,
> I can see that you've already raised this concern to another forum post
> and my colleague has
accept-encoding: [gzip]
authorization: REDACTED
user-agent: [unknown (AwApi-Java, AdWords-Axis/4.13.0, Common-Java/4.13.0,
Axis/1.4, Java/11, maven, ReportDownloader, ReportQueryBuilder)]
developertoken: REDACTED
clientcustomerid: 4424460272
skipreportheader: false
skipcolumnheader: false
[10 5月 2021 10:36:04,309-report_download:WARN:main] Request made: Service:
reportdownload Method: POST clientCustomerId: 442-446-0272 URL:
https://adwords.google.com//api/adwords/reportdownload/v201809 Request ID:
null ResponseTime(ms): null OperationsCount: null IsFault: true
FaultMessage: com
if i use ads api,can i get a report?
在2021年4月27日星期二 UTC+8 下午3:22:29 写道:
> Hi Teng,
> Thank you for the reply.
> Upon checking your account, I can see that you have one campaign created
> here. The type of this campaign is "*App*" while the sub-type is "*App
> pre-registration*". Unfortunat
i change the report type but has nothing change
[27 4月 2021 10:46:30,713-report_download:INFO:main] Request made: Service:
reportdownload Method: POST clientCustomerId: 207-087-8398 URL:
https://adwords.google.com//api/adwords/reportdownload/v201809 Request ID:
null ResponseTime(ms): null Opera
the full request is:
[26 4月 2021 09:51:49,295-report_download:INFO:main] Request made: Service:
reportdownload Method: POST clientCustomerId: 207-087-8398 URL:
https://adwords.google.com//api/adwords/reportdownload/v201809 Request ID:
null ResponseTime(ms): null OperationsCount: null IsFault: fa