Hello Peter,
thank you! Had a look on the linked discussion. This was also something I
was thinking about, but though it would lead to a lot digging down to Ad
(Best would be btw. to have this on the campaign report level. I mean, for
my case, I'd need this information on that level some
I'd like to separate videoview results for Video campaigns in reporting.
Afaik they could be differentiated in adgroup level, since that's where I
set it up to be either InStream or InDisplay.
There is a property called Ad Group Type ("adGroupRestrictionType") on the
UI, what I'm after, b
thanks for the good testing point! As assumed, when running only the
AD_PERF. it was the correct one.
After even more digging, I've found one more place, where I re-download
last month, and forgot to migrate DownloadReportWithAwql(..., since I
think I had to change it's parameters to accep
Hi Josh,
thanks, good point! However, I can't really determine it, it shouldn't act
like that, I use 4 reports to combine to one, a for loop downloads a
report, saves, then the next one comes. This should mean that the loop has
another report's filename in a variable, and the actual report's aw
I've recently updated the python client library, made the changes according
to the migration docs, but since that, when I'm requesting this:
'SELECT CampaignName, AdGroupName, '
'Headline, Description1, Description2, DisplayUrl, Url, '
'Impressions, Clicks, '
'Ctr, AverageCpc, Cost, AveragePositi