This is a major issue, which needs to get fixed this week before the
Adwords API goes completely offline, otherwise there is no way to get
search volume stats. Whoever has power here, please let the API developers
know how urgent this is.
On Tuesday, 24 May 2022 at 09:21:29 UTC-4 rut...@thedut
This has issue has been brought up many times and the team here is not
understanding the issue. Why release 10.1 and allow us to generate metrics
without a keywword plan if we can't set the language and location? The 10.1
release was meant to solve an issue but they forgot certain functionality
Yep this is brutal. I'm surprised more people aren't complaining about
this. Quota drop from millions per day to 15000. It's now impossible to do
real search volume research. It's also totally non-intuitive. Why do I have
to setup a keyword plan, campaign, ad group just to check some search