t sounds like your classes were not properly generate
> from the local WSDL, since the element should be properly
> defined there as you.
> Cheers,
> -Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team
> On Sep 10, 8:01 pm, samp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi
> >
I am using createClientAccount call of reseller. I am using Axis to
connect to the wbe service. I am getting an exception while creating a
new account.
org.xml.sax.SAXException: Invalid element in
com.google.api.adwords.v12.ApiException - message
The wsdl for the reseller service does have th
I am writing code in Java and trying to test the exceptions using mock
Can some one please give the exact SOAP response for API quota
exceeded exception.
envelope/" xmlns:v12="https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/v12";>
API invoca