the result
> should be.
> Best,
> - Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team
> On Feb 24, 5:02 pm, ""
>> wrote:
> > I'm looking at the response from a bulk mutate request, basically at
> > this point:
I'm looking at the response from a bulk mutate request, basically at
this point:
and I'm not sure how I can figure out which kind of operand is being
returned, since it can be any one of Ad, AdGro
Is it possible to trigger a policy violation in the sandbox, and then
reply with an exemption request in the sandbox?
This is my biggest roadblock in using the API right now, and in lieu
of finding examples it would be nice to test via the sandbox.
Thanks in advance,
You received this m
Is there an efficient way to count the number of criteria and/or ads
in an ad group, other than doing a get? Right now I'm using the code
from the get_all_active_ad_group_criteria, and return the number of
entries. This seems a little expensive just to find out whether or not
I've populated my ad g
I am very keen to see an example of doing this with v2009, is there
any progress with this example? As an extension to the original
request, it would be nice to see the use of validateOnly to submit a
policy exemption request.
On Feb 3, 2:41 pm, AdWords API Advisor
> Hi Semdev,
> This ty
Current status is PROCESSING, waiting 10 seconds
Current status is PROCESSING, waiting 10 seconds
Job completed!
SOAP Error: [BulkMutateJobError.PAYLOAD_STORE_UNAVAILABLE @ ] (code:
Source: /Users/mikeanderson/code/s/script/misc/google_adwords.rb:
254:in `wait_for_response'
When I get this res
I was trying to do a bulk mutate job in order to post 3 ads/ 3
keywords to about 900 adgroups. The API said the job was processing
for about 6 hours, and then I got this exception
Current status is PROCESSING, waiting 10 seconds
Current status is PROCESSING, waiting 10 seconds
Current status is PR